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Thumbs Up Teen Book Award

by Bertha

Vote for your Favorite Teen title of the year; twenty picks make up the Thumbs Up list. From prolific Laurie Halse Anderson, to newcomer, Gayle Forman there’s a title to suit varying tastes. One of the choices is an Edgar Award nominee, The Morgue and Me where a teen spy learns of a murder cover-up through his summer job as an assistant at a morgue. Shaun Tan, in my opinion, sits near the top of this list with Tales from Outer Suburbia fifteen short takes with illustrations as part of the telling. In one story, ‘Eric’ a teeny tiny house guest, who does care, even though he hangs out in the pantry, is memorable. Or, in ‘Alert But Not Alarmed’ missiles are stored in the backyards all around suburbia and over the years become dog kennels, places hollowed out to start seedlings, and always painted a cool color. Check out the complete list of Thumbs Up titles here.



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