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1980s TV Comedy on DVD

by darla

Did you know we have hundreds of old television shows on DVD here at the AADL?
If you are a fan of sitcoms from the 1980s, head to your closest library and check out our selection. Head to Cheers, where everyone knows your name. Visit the Huxtable and Keaton families of The Cosby Show and Family Ties. Visit the sassy ladies of Washington D.C. at 227, or head south to Florida with The Golden Girls. Hide the family cat from Alf or revisit the birth of the Olsen twin empire on Full House.
All of these shows and many many more can be browsed here.


Rose: She's a world renowned flautist.
Dorothy: Oh, she plays the flute?
Rose: No, Dorothy, she plays the flaut. It's a Scandinavian instrument that looks like a tuba except it's got hair on the bottom. Of course she plays the flute!

Joey: Gee, your hair smells like melon. What are you using?
Jesse: Oh, it's this new product called 'Gee, Your Hair Smells like Melon.'

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