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Robot Invasion for Festifools!

by StoryLaura

Nothing says spring in Ann Arbor better than Festifoolery but this year the Robots are taking over! Thanks to our friends at 826, we should be well equipped! Come to the Downtown Library at 2:00ish on Sunday, April 11 and get all geared up for the Robot Invasion on Main Street!


Hi, there!! Could you say more about this event? Is this an event to construct robot puppets, and participate in the parade? It is not clear from the "Blurb" what will ensue at the Library, and thence to the downtown Festifool parade.

The reason I ask is that I have a grandson, age 3, who is absolutely in love with Robots, and would dearly love a 3 year old version of activity involving <em>being</em> a robot. (Costume is already made--from previous Halloween).

Kathleen Kosobud
mailto: kosobud51 (at ) gmail (dot) com

The workshop is intended for children to make themselves into robots using cardboard boxes & lots of fun supplies & then we'll walk over together so that they can all march in the Festifools parade! So your grandson can make himself a new robot costume or if he wants he can wear the one he has. Hope to see you there!

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