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Every day, after the death of his mother, he never found happiness. Sorrow filled his eyes, nothing else. He only had one thing, the most dreadful tree anyone has ever seen. The tree looked so depressing, no leafs, no green, no buds, no color, only a darken outside. This tree reflected the caretaker, a person that only took care of the tree. Gave it water everyday, was by it’s side rather than anywhere else. As he grew up nothing else went his way, at one point he decided to try to take his life, only to see it necessary to take the tree with him, so he can be accompanied to the heavens, the closest thing to a friend. He started to cut down the tree, only to find the tree sparkle and start shining from its inside. His eyes glazed over the most beautiful timber in the world. One tear fell from his eyes, to him it was the most beautiful gift his mother had gave him, he looked out in the horizon, thinking, “maybe I can still live... but I am no tree”. He clenches the hatchet tighter.