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was just a brief moment. A brief moment in time. It was just one, brief, moment, when all life was created. And in that one brief moment, just one brief moment, her tears fell. For in that brief moment, she saw countless worlds thrust into existence. In that brief moment, just one brief moment, the universe formed, planets of multicolored hues burst into life, light spiraling outward from the core. Stars erupted, and blossomed from tiny buds to enormous flowers of life. Comets grew from small pebbles into huge hunks of golden stone, trailing light and sparkles in their wake. Planets spiraled outwards in their flow of creation, forming galaxies that shimmered and glowed softly. All it took was one moment, for the vast expanses of space to be formed, and for her to bask in the radiance of the universe she had created. All it took was one moment, one angel, and one wish, to jump start this massive explosion of life. She could feel waves of pure happiness emanating from her, and her heart was overcome with joy at seeing the worlds born before her. And all it took, all it ever takes, is one, brief, moment.