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The Case for Books

by SarahRose

Did you catch it? NPR's The Diane Rehm Show aired an interesting interview with Robert Darnton, director of the Harvard University Library and author of The Case for Books: Past, Present, and Future, which just came out in October. Darnton and Diane discussed the history of the book, from scrolls to codices to kindles, and Darnton's predictions for the future of books and e-books.

AADL has some excellent books about books. The Coming Of The Book, Art Of The Printed Book, and A Short History Of The Printed Word are all first-class books for learning about the history of books starting with the invention of printing in the middle ages. If you are interested in even earlier books, our Ladies' Library Collection has some beautifully illustrated books about manuscripts. I found the plates in A History Of Illuminated Manuscripts really amazing.

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