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If You’re a Monster & You Know It!

by manz

This week Ms Amanda told stories about monsters at preschool storytime! Not the scary kind, really, but monsters of the cute, funny, silly, and sad variety.

In Glad Monster, Sad Monster: A Book About Feelings by Ed Emberly we explored different emotions. We practiced looking at a monster and guessing how it was feeling by the face it was making. We then got silly and tickled a monster until he went way in Tickle Monster by Édouard Manceau. And to end with, since we’re talking monsters here, we had to get a little scary in Can You Make a Scary Face? by Jan Thomas. (It wasn’t really that scary, but we all made our best scary face and scared away a lady bug and a giant green frog!)

All in all it was loads of fun, and a grand adventure to be surrounded by cute and silly monsters.

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Preschool Storytimes