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"T" is for Trickster

by ryanikoglu

Ms. Rachel brought African trickster stories to Storytime.
WHO'S IN RABBIT'S HOUSE?... We see the footprints outside the door. Who's inside?
Rachel led a copycat rhythm from Ghana "Kye Kye Kule" ... a versions can be found on the CD WORLD TRAVELS: World Music For Kids and you can see and hear clips on youtube.
Then we found Anansi up to his usual tricks in ANANSI And the MOSS-COVERED ROCK.

For more troicky stories try the following favorites:
ANANSI And The TALKING MELON ... another Anansi story by the author/illustrator team of Eric Kimmel and Janet Stevens.
COYOTE And The LAUGHING BUTTERFLIES ... a Native American trickster tale with Coyote.
The GRUFFALO ... a small mouse develops this trick.
MUNCHA! MUNCHA! MUNCHA! ... rascally rabbits are in the garden! Can the farmer trick them?
PIRATE GIRL ... knows some tricks.
GOHA The WISE FOOL ... iconic "wise fool" from middle eastern folklore.
SIX SHEEP SIP THICK SHAKES: And Other Tricky Tongue Twisters ... can you train your tricky tongue?
DON'T WAKE UP The TIGER! ... but how?


I'll be sure to check out the World Music for Kids CD the next time I'm with the young kids in my extended family! I might even check it out just for myself, as I'm always interested in learning about other cultures.

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Preschool Storytimes