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Thanksgiving and the Turkey

by Van

Two recent books at the library:

The Turkey: an American Story by Andrew F. Smith

A Great & Godly Adventure: the Pilgrims & the Myth of the First Thanksgiving, a “fastidiously researched” history (things were pretty stark rather than idyllic) by Godfrey Hodgson

One week before Thanksgiving 60 of the 168 titles the library owns about Thanksgiving are still available. Of the thirteen titles on cooking Thanksgiving dinner nine are available. It would appear that most people have their holiday menu well planned.

Since 2003 the public has been able to help name the two turkeys pardoned by the President (about 50 million turkeys are consumed each Thanksgiving).

From among the five choices in previous years the winners were:

2003: Stars and Stripes
2004: Biscuits and Gravy
2005: Marshmallow and Yam

You have until next Wednesday to help select this year’s choice from among:

Ben and Franklin
Plymouth and Rock
Washington and Lincoln
Corn and Copia
Flyer and Fryer

The turkeys to be pardoned are presented to the President by the National Turkey Federation. The President also receives two dressed turkeys from the NTF (the dressed turkeys are not named).

The pardoned turkeys get to live out their remaining lives at the Kidwell Farm in Frying Pan Park (Herndon, VA). Do not make a trip if you hope to see the Clinton, George HW Bush, or Reagan presidential pardonees. The turkeys seldom live to see their successors arrive (according to the National Geographic: “With the enormous weight these birds carry, they usually die before the arrival of the next Thanksgiving. Farmer Todd Brown buries the turkeys on the 98-acre property”).

The U. S. Census Bureau has compiled statistics about our Thanksgiving dinners.

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