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Best Documentaries of 2014

by amy

Blockbusters and TV get all the attention, but tucked away on our DVD shelves in the non-fiction section, where truth can be inspiring, scary, and a whole lot stranger than fiction, are some really wonderful documentaries from last year. Below are just three, but here's a longer list of the notable and award-winning non-fiction films we bought in 2014.

In The Galapagos Affair: Satan Came to Eden Darwin meets Hitchcock in this true-crime tale of paradise found and lost when filmmakers Dan Geller and Dayna Godfine revisit a strange 1930s murder mystery that begins when a Berlin doctor and his mistress start a new life on the uninhabited Floreana Island in the Galapagos.

Life According to Sam is the heart-rending but stirring story of Sam Berns, a 16-year-old born with the rare and fatal rapid-aging disease progeria, who is nevertheless determined to play in his school's band.

Freedom Summer traces the passion and anguish of ten weeks in the summer of 1964 known as Freedom Summer, when 700 student volunteers joined local organizers and African Americans to face violence and death in Mississippi.

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