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If you can find Orion, you can find Comet Lovejoy!

by amy

Comet Lovejoy is proving to be a bit more wonderful than expected. Sure, it’s cold out there, but if you know where to find the constellation Orion (in the southeast), you can locate Lovejoy pretty quickly before heading back inside. Comet Lovejoy is charting a course past Orion over the next couple weeks and getting higher in the sky. It's fairly bright and right now a magnetic storm may be in progress in the tail of the comet causing "plasma blobs" and "disconnection events" visible in amateur telescopes.

We have telescopes you can check out, but to see the comet you really only need a decent pair of binoculars, which we also happen to have on hand.

So run in and grab a telescope or a pair of binoculars so you're ready on the next clear night!

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