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Anne of Green Gables

by Enzy

The Anne of Green Gables books have been a staple in my life for as long as I could remember. The first book opens with a brother and sister who are getting on in years deciding that adopting a boy will be a practical step for them instead of hiring help. What they get however, is a very impractical Anne Shirley. Anne is a scrawny little girl with spirit and energy in abundance. Despite her being a girl, she quickly wiggles her way into everyone's hearts and is allowed to stay for a probationary period. I spent my childhood wishing I was as creative as Anne with her red hair and spunk. She is the epitome of delight with her flowery language and dramatic ways. Even though such traits could quickly become irritating, she manages to be one of the most endearing characters in literature. She is no stranger to making mistakes and yet she has a resiliency that is at times superhuman.

If you are the sort who enjoys movies based on great books you should also check out the movies based on Anne of Green Gables staring Megan Follows. She will forever be the version of Anne that I picture whenever I reread the books.

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