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Caterina and the Perfect Party

by PattySmith

In Erin Etter Kono’s book Caterina and the Perfect Party we meet Caterina, a little brown bird with big plans. Her most favorite thing in the world to do is make lists, but she hates surprises. You can imagine her delight when she gets to plan her very first party! What better opportunity for this bespectacled little cutie to write lists? She writes lists of her guests, lists of the most appetizing appetizers, lists of the most decorative decorations and gets to work carrying out all the creative things on her beloved lists. But on her big day she is faced with the biggest surprise of all. Oh no, a great big storm threatens to ruin her perfectly planned outdoor party! Never fear, soon her guests arrive bearing a replacement snacks, and they all have a fantastic day frolicking in the rain and mud. It is at this point that Caterina realizes her most important list is her list of friends.

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