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Yarn Bomb the Garden

by manz

Sunday, May 19 | 1:00-3:00pm | Downtown MPR | Grades 6th-Adult

Help us yarn bomb the garden at the downtown library! What is yarn bombing? It’s a form of knit graffiti and public art. We will be adding a coat of knitted color to our luscious outdoor garden.

At the program you’ll learn how to knit a small piece with our knit-cam and an instructor to help guide you. At the end of the program we'll use the pieces we created to yarn bomb the exterior garden by attaching them to trees and the like. We'd love your help with this art collaboration! The knitting instruction starts at 1pm, and it’s not an easy program to arrive late to if you plan to knit for the first time.

We highly encourage experienced knitters and crocheters to also join us. Or if you have a piece already made, bring it to the program and we’ll direct you to the garden yarn bomb zone!

We have a ton of yarn on hand, but ask that you bring size 8 or 9 needles if you have them.

For more info on yarn bombing see this great website, and check out the book Yarn bombing: The art of crochet and knit graffiti.


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