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More elements of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act went into effect August 1

by sernabad

On Wednesday, August 1, several more benefits that are part of the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare) are now in effect. This week's changes affect women’s health care. Women with health insurance will now see the following changes:

* A free annual well-woman visit with follow-up visits, if necessary.
* Women over 30 can be tested for HPV (Human papillomavirus) every three years.
* Pregnant women can receive free testing for gestational diabetes. This will ensure that they get the proper care for a safe pregnancy.
*Pregnant women can now receive support for breastfeeding, including equipment for new mothers returning to work
*Women are now able to receive free contraception

For a full explanation of this new law, including the elements that went into effect in 2010 (such as, no more denial for pre-exisiting conditions; all children are now covered up to age 26, regardless of marital or student status; free preventive care, including colonoscopies for adults over age 50 and mammograms; no more “donut hole” for seniors’ prescriptions, please check this website or check out Landmark: The Inside Story of America's New Health Care Law and What It Means for All of Us (2010), by the staff of the Washington Post or journalist David Nather's book, The New Health Care System: Everything You Need to Know (2010).


With all the distorted information (often from both sides) out there, it's very helpful to have resources offered here. Thank you for such an informative post!

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