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Game + Watch: Afternoon Ninjas

by hillary dorwart

Sunday June 24, 2012: 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm -- Downtown Library: Multi-Purpose Room

Is there anything better than playing video games? Playing video games while watching the perfect movie! Join us for a lazy afternoon of games, movies, soda and popcorn. Prizes awarded for best theme-related costume and gameplay-related contests.

This month's games might include Surfing and Ninjas. Can you guess what we'll be watching?

This event is for teens (grade 6 and up) and adults.


This movie is one of my favorite movies, ever. Definitely considering attending this awesome event.


Actually, Rin, this month's movie is rated pg, but we'll play a rated T game. But it should be grade 6 and up! I'll change that. Even if that doesn't help, know we don't turn people away.

UGH!!! I wish I could've went, watched a good movie, and gotten the code but I didn't have time...

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