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Got The Facts On Milk?

by manz

Got The Facts On Milk, known as “ the milk documentary” takes a look at milk. Where does it come from, why do we drink it, why do we need it, do we need it at at all? The filmmakers talk to researchers, scientists, milk drinkers, moms, children, farmers, doctors, lobbyists, and more. Some of those interviewed and offering information are family doctor and nutritionist Joel Fuhrman, and T. Colin Campbell, author of the popular book, The China Study: The most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted and the startling implications for diet, weight loss and long-term health.

The film delves into product marketing, propaganda, brainwashing, government, and industry, and how these factors relate to milk production and consumption.

The film is utter-ly entertaining, as the documentarians make their way across the country, talking about milk, to reach their final destination: the USDA. Their adventure is filled with truths, lies, and everything in between. It also features a grocery store dance routine, and an amusing soundtrack.

Whether you agree or disagree with the findings, or love or hate milk, I recommended this if you’re into behind the scenes looks at food and food consumption and the science behind it, particularly if you don't mind a humorous look at serious issues.


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