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Cool Mystery Series for the Grade School Set

by Edith Wharton

You may know all about Encyclopedia Brown, and the Hardy Boys, but have you ever heard of The Stink Files? Here is a list of some great mystery books for grade school readers.

For the kids who like Magic Tree House:
Cam Jansen Mysteries: Cam Jansen is a 10 year old girl with a photographic memory.
A to Z Mysteries: Help Dink, Josh and Ruth Rose solve crimes and misdemeanors.
Jigsaw Jones Mystery: Jigsaws puzzles are like mysteries: you've got to look at all the peices to solve the case!
Third-Grade Detectives: The Third Grade Detectives solve strange school mysteries!

For the more sophisticated reader:
Horace Splattly: The Cupcaked Crusader: Horace Splattley is a fourth grade super-hero!
The Stink Files: James Edward Bristlefur, British secret agent and international cat of mystery.
Chet Gecko Mysteries: Bruce Hale's hilarious animal noir stories are not to be missed.
Sammy Keyes Mysteries: Sammy Keyes is a feisty and fearless sleuth who gets in lots of trouble.

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