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The Greatest Movie Ever Sold

by manz

Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock, director of the Oscar nominated documentary Super Size Me, is back at it in POM Wonderful Presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold. This time he takes a closer look at advertising, branding, and the power of product placement in films. The film itself was funded by companies that agreed to be featured in the film.

Spurlock embarked on an adventure to seek out companies that would be be seen in the film, and thus have their products featured, and this mission of his essentially makes up the film. So there’s a bit of irony and humor in the fact that he’s researching how and why product placement works while doing it himself at the exact same time. He also talks to other filmmakers and those in the industry regarding the effectiveness and the revenue involved in product placement in films. It is both interesting and funny, which is a great combination for a documentary. (Also available on Blu-ray.)

Note: After watching this film you may desperately wish to drink a bottle of POM Wonderful’s pomegranate juice, as I did. Perhaps this advertising stuff works?

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