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Francis Lieber 1800 - 1872

by Stewart

Francis (Franz) Lieber was a German-American political philosopher who worked in Abraham Lincoln's war department to establish union soldier rules of conduct. The Lieber Code was also known as the "Code for the Government of Armies in the Field (1863)" or "General Orders No. 100" and was a precedent to war time conventions addressing the ethical treatment of civilians and the relationship of troops to the population. Francis Lieber, among many other activities, translated the German encyclopedia into English, the Encyclopaedia Americana, and taught at the University of South Carolina and Columbia University.

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Tocqueville, Lieber, and Bagehot: liberalism confronts the world
Francis Lieber and the culture of the mind
American conservatives: the political thought of Francis Lieber and John W. Burgess
Tried by war : Abraham Lincoln as commander in chief
President Lincoln : the duty of a statesman
Civil War soldier books for youth
You wouldn't want to be a Civil War soldier!
The Confederate soldier

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