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by Employee 37

# 周杰倫一直示國際巨星李連杰為他的偶像,李連杰與Jay惺惺相惜,為了李連杰主演的電影《霍元甲》(Fearless),終於有機會合作,由周杰倫作主題曲及主唱。而Jay表示能為偶像主演的電影作曲及主唱主題曲,心情興奮。與電影同名主題曲,希望透過一代中國武術宗師霍元甲的一生傳奇及Jay的歌聲,來宣揚積極向上的訊息。此曲及其MV均輯錄於《霍元甲 EP》內。 「霍元甲」︰李連杰最新武術作品《霍元甲》電影主題曲,是周杰倫繼「雙截棍」、「龍拳」之後又一精華創作,以中國大鼓氣勢磅礡地開場,運用古箏、笛子等大量古樂器配樂,是一首中國風嘻哈歌曲;歌詞富有武術精神,以正面訊息宣揚給青少年,喚醒青少年珍惜生命。
# 「獻世」︰此曲是周杰倫在無與倫比紅磡演唱會上特別獻唱於2003年寫給陳小春的抒情歌。Live版別有一番風味,是周杰倫第一首發行的粵語歌曲。(粵語Live版)

隨著電影處女作《頭文字D》紅遍亞洲,周董年度專輯《十一月的蕭邦》在全亞洲銷量又大賣250萬,Jay更預定於二月飛往東京開唱,舉辦「無與倫比」演唱會。為了回饋樂迷,今次隨《霍元甲 EP》內加送專輯《十一月的蕭邦》12首歌曲MV、「霍元甲」MV及Bonus「周杰倫無與倫比香港紅磡演唱會」片段,讓你視覺上一次過感受鋼琴詩人周杰倫的浪漫古典曲風!
# DVD︰13首「霍元甲&11月的蕭邦」千萬製作全MV——周杰倫不但為電影「霍元甲」創作及演唱歌曲,更親自執導此曲的 Music Video,在畫面中杰倫帥氣秀出Locking 武扇舞,大膽耍三截棍,大器英姿鐵定讓歌迷們尖叫。此曲「霍元甲」加上《11月的蕭邦》專輯共13支精緻的MV,絕對珍藏!包含新出爐「藍色風暴」和「逆鱗」MV獨家收錄。
# BONUS︰周杰倫「紅磡演唱會」精彩影音剪輯——此次更難得地將「周杰倫The One/無與倫比紅磡演唱會」壓箱寶精彩畫面彙整收錄於DVD中,隨《霍元甲EP》附贈給喜愛杰倫的歌迷朋友們,難得的畫面,不可錯過!

DVD 樣品

Review courtesy of

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There seems to be no end in sight for Taiwan singer/actor/superstar Jay Chou's creativity. His latest smash will be featured as theme song in the latest Jet Li silver screen blockbuster, Fearless.

The Chinese name of the same-titled EP is Huo Yuan Chia, and Jay couldn't be happier because it has always been his wish to co-operate with his revered idol, Jet Li. It's Jay's latest song in the tradition of "Nunchaku" and "Dragon Fist" and comes accompanied by the sound of classic Chinese instruments. What's more, besides writing the lyrics and performing his latest work Jay also directed its MV that shows impressive martial arts sequences by the one and only Jet Li. Fans can also look forward to a live version song called "World Sacrifice" that Jay wrote for Jordan Chan and which presents the Taiwanese star's first ever Canto-pop song. As if all that wasn't good enough, this version comes with an exclusive DVD featuring captivating MV versions of songs from Jay's most recent album November's Chopin, exclusive video clip material as well as fantastic Bonus highlights of his The One + Incomparable tour at the Hong Kong Coliseum!

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