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For Local News: the Ann Arbor Chronicle and concentrate

by Van

To supplement (or supplant) the local news coverage of the Ann Arbor News, take a look at the Ann Arbor Chronicle by Mary Morgan, former Ann Arbor News editor and writer, and Dave Askins (aka Homeless Dave, the Teeter Talk interviewer), and concentrate, this week’s two feature articles are both by former Ann Arbor News writers, Constance Crump (about gatherings at a local restaurant but not a Crumpette food review) and Amy Whitsall.

Mary Morgan and Dave Askins seem to attend most of the meetings of various local governmental units and distill the hours into a few minutes of succinct, informative reporting. Monday night’s meeting of the Ann Arbor District Library’s board is in Tuesday’s paper. The best coverage of the impending cuts and transfers from the local Ann Arbor News operations appeared in the Chronicle.

concentrate comes out weekly on Wednesday, has two feature articles each week, and a multitude of short pieces grouped under Innovation & Job News, Development News, and In the News.

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