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Taiwanese Hip Hop and R&B from Will Pan

by Employee 37

以名字名命的Will 未來式,是潘瑋柏出道以來的首張精選專輯,為他由2002年《壁虎漫步》至2007年《玩酷》的音樂作出一個完整的小結。同時代表意志力與未來的「Will」,這張雙CD專輯分別以「瑋柏的力量」和「瑋柏的情歌」記錄了潘瑋柏最具代表性的快歌與慢歌,包括︰「快樂崇拜」、「我的麥克風」、「Wu Ha」、「愛上未來的你」、「不得不愛」、「KISS NIGHT」等主打歌之外,還特別加錄了最新快歌「夏日瘋」和抒情歌「轉機」,而Will更首次以廣東話演繹「轉機」粵語版。

隨碟加送的DVD,輯錄了Will 13首主打MV,當中有新歌「轉機」粵語版以及多首Will與其他歌手合唱歌,有與張韶涵合唱的「快樂崇拜」、弦子的「不得不愛」、蘇芮的「我想更懂你」、阿信的「Shut Up」、王珞丹的「戴上我的愛」。
(Review courtesy of

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Taiwan's hip-hop and R&B singer Wilber Pan presents his all-new greatest hits collection. It features thirty-two tracks separated into uptempo tracks on CD 1 and ballads on CD 2. Among Will's groovy hits are "My Microphone" (CD 1 - Track 16), "Playing Cool" (CD 1 - Track 10), and "Incoming Call" (CD 1 - Track 15). Lovers of his mellow songs should check out "Can't Help Loving" (CD 2 - Track 3), "Letting You Go" (CD 2 - Track 4), and "The Road Is Too Crooked" (CD 2 - Track 7). Will's Future comes complete with a DVD featuring a selection of music videos including "Expert" (DVD - Track 3), "Turning The World Around" (DVD - Track 9), and his duet "Worshipping Happiness" (DVD - Track 1) with Angela Chang.

This version comes with the additional music video "Turning Point" (DVD - Track 1).
(Review courtesy of

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