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by erin

Remember when I was taking all your T-shirt sizes? Everyone who attends the GRANDS on Saturday gets a T-shirt to keep! Be sure you don't leave without getting yours...


Yeah, they're green.

First Post.

"Badges? We ain't got no badges! We don't need no badges! I don't have to show you any stinking badges!"
[gtplayer:139] Knight of the octothorn table

yea shirts
good luck everbody tommorow. Since i won"t be there I will pick my faviorites.
The clan cup will ethier go to TM or skills sorry monks but, i dont think you have produced over the season.
The winner you never know because of the sup rize round but here are my top 8
1. pr0
2 Pickwuck
3 Monkey Man
4 duck i cant complete the list
good luck everyone especially t unit
"Eli Is awesome"

awsome. barf. I like barf. Im bored.

"I was angry that day and my brother was telling what to write, he had a knife in his hand."-Black Shark

How come my brother can't registor for the grand chamionship and I can though we both never quailified.

I'm DarthMarth and my brother is Snowman.

Good Morrow!!
Thanks for the shirts!!!! I propose that everybody on the forum wear their brand-new, shiny (well, maybe not) AADL-GT shirt to school on Monday.
Finklestein neglected to pick up a shirt; will the extras appear at the February meeting?
Good Day!
----Pickwick the Second------

Something would be very wrong if these shirts were shiny.

Also, I think everyone on the forum should wear their shirts to school on Monday. If we all do it, it'll be less of an individual embarassment...

I kiiiid, I kiiiid!!!
"OK, next year we're going to change the tournament name from AADL-GT to AADL-G<strong>R</strong>... "Goat Rodeo!!!" - Eli <strong>
5000th comment poster!</strong>[gtlogo:VMC]

There will absolutely be shirts at all future AADL-GT events... Wearing them to school is a great idea - you can be our walking billboards! Showing the world how kewl the library can be...

I forgot to pick up my t-shirt. What do I do?

"Giggity Giggity Giggity, Alllllll Right!"-Quagmire
[img_assist|fid=279|thumb=1|alt=Black Shark Clan]

We had 300 made - some of which went to staff of course - so plenty to give to all who participated in a tournament - or who attend one in the future.

I love my T-shirt.. Went to a party the other night and everyone was telling me they wished they had made it to the Friday night MarioKart 18+ event.. too many papers to write. I would have told them about the t-shirts, but I didn't want them begging me to get some for them.

On a personal note.. I finished my last long and arduous paper on cataloging *gags* and can now enjoy winter break.

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