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Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

by Caser

An audiobook with 10+ discs will probably not come home with me. The problem is not in the writing, but in the reader/narrator. Few readers are dynamic enough to keep my interest for ten hours, so when I found an audiobook with multiple readers, I knew that someone had figured this out.

Jonathan Safran Foer's second novel, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, is told through several perspectives (a la Faulkner) and voiced through three excellent readers: Barbara Caruso, Richard Ferrone, and Jeff Woodsman. The story begins in New York City a few years after 9/11, where Oskar Schell, a nine-year-old with a penchant for inventions, tambourines, and Stephen Hawking, searches for the lock that fits the key he found hidden in his deceased father's closet. Essentially a tale of loss and recovery, Oskar's startling wit and cautious self-awareness make this a highly inviting listen. The novel is also available in our collection.

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