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Quick Health Info

by anonymous

I have a confession to make. Nature is not my thing. I admire it at a distance and usually through a window. Yet, I felt pretty good about myself over the weekend when I took my dog for a walk in the woods at a nearby park. The joy faded when I discovered an insect on my skin a few hours later. It was a tick. Panic nearly overcame me as medical books as old as I am were sought and talk of lit matches was bandied about the room. Then, I thought of the Health and Wellness Resource Center on the research page on the library’s website. Typing tick in the search box brought up a wealth of recent information which included how to take care of the bite and when to contact a doctor. It also included prevention information. Apparently, it helps to tuck your shirt into your pants. Whoops. Searching for sunburns and cuts also brought up useful information. Remember, accessing the library’s databases from home requires a username and password.

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