The Man in the Woods 1 One day Salma, Noor, Tarek, Jad, Zain, Kenan, and I were playing tag and kick ball in my backyard. It was 4:30 in the late afternoon on Tuesday in April. The fourth quarter of school had just started and it was spring break. We were enjoying the freedom of a week’s vacation. The Bradford pears were in full bloom, and after a while we noticed the stink of the blossoms. The sky was azure and dotted with fluffy clouds. The temperature was really hot, unusual for this time in the spring. Because I was bored of playing tag and kickball in our backyards, I asked my neighbors if they wanted to explore in the woods they said sure. We entered the woods from the back on an easy path, where no trees or branches blocked the way. Once we got into the woods we saw small oak trees and huge trees, some were evergreen trees, looming trees, lots of branches, and so much green, light green trees. When I got into the emerald woods I saw a bed made out of toilet paper we even saw a green ripped shirt and a pair of faded ragged blue jeans, which were hanging off the branches of small sugar maple. Thinking for a second, we realized that someone must be stalking us, because nobody in our neighborhood lives in the woods. Tarek was just laughing at our nervousness, but I knew somebody was haunting our whole entire neighborhood. When we got inside our house we told our parents then. The parents talked to each other about it. When they finished talking to each other about it my dad called the police. Once my dad called the police and my dad told the police officer that there was a nasty old looking The Man in the Woods 2 guy haunting our whole entire neighborhood because he was a homeless guy. When I told the police officer everything we knew they believed us and they came quickly as they could because they live literally one second away from our house. When they came we had to tell the police officer the whole entire story again. Once they finished hearing the whole entire story again the police officer went into the woods and they saw the bed made out of toilet paper and they even saw the clothes that we saw before which was really old they were hanging on a green branches. They ran and started looking for the nasty old looking guy. The nasty old looking guy knew that the police officers were looking for him. So he started to run away from the police officers as fast as he could. The police officers found the nasty old looking guy after a couple of weeks or about three weeks to find him. Once they found the nasty old looking guy he grabbed his stuff like the old clothes hanging on a green tree and the bed made out of toilet paper and he left into the back of the police officers police car and went off to jail. It looks like the nasty old looking guy hates little kids. After that day we had no more interruptions or no more people or a nasty old looking guy haunting our whole entire neighborhood down. Thank god there isn’t any more. Thanks to my dad, the police officers and my neighbor’s dad there were no more people haunting us down anymore. After a year or more or less we went into the woods again but we went through the hard way which there was a lot of branches and humongous trees in our way. Once we got in there we saw a lot of insects on the ground. We even went into a secret way. When we were in the woods we saw a nice man. He was nice because he gave all the little kids some delicious candy. We went into the woods to explore nature. The Man in the Woods 3 We exited the woods because we were tired of just walking in the woods. After that we played different games lie tag, soccer, kickball, and basketball. We played those games till dinnertime. When we went into our houses and I was lucky because we were eating my favorite food, which was a hamburger. After we ate hamburgers we went back outside to play more but we played on the trampoline and we jumped on it. That was the best day ever in the whole entire world!!