Mission Possibility. Prologue I never thought I’d die this way. And I’m saying that because, as I leave this message on my voice recorder, I am right now falling into a bottomless pit of boiling lava. Two hundred feet down and I still haven’t hit the bottom - but I am doomed. If you have ever noticed, people in movies say that all the love they have flashes before their eyes when they think they are about to die. That is true! Suddenly I thought about my parents, my brother, my dog. Everybody that I cared about and that I would miss. Did I fail them all by losing this battle? Would they die too? I’d never know unless I could turn this mission around right now. Part 1 I was wandering home from school one day, minding my own business and staring at the ground and at my feet as my glow in the dark sneakers lit up in the gloomy dreary foggy day.... when someone threw a rock at my head. “Ow”. I felt a warm drip on my forehead and realized I was bleeding. I turned around but there was nobody there. “Weird” I said to myself. I stooped down and picked up the rock that had been thrown at me. It had some lines on it and was a dark grey color, almost black. It felt cold in my hand. I put it in my pocket and kept walking. That’s when I looked up and saw a figure in the shadows of the neighbors’ yard. He was staring at me, but when I saw him he turned and began to run. “Hey !” I yelled. I began to run after him. I’m glad that I am a fast runner, because I caught up to him easily. He was at least 7 feet tall and looked exactly how I would imagine an alien from outer space to look. He had a huge head, big meaty hands, and he was very pale. 1 He was a little scary looking. But, something about him also seemed kind and as soon as I caught up to him I asked him why he had thrown the rock at me. He said “I was just trying to get your attention. I’m sorry it hurt”. “That’s o.k.”, I said. “But what’s going on? You don’t look like you live around here “. “I need to deliver a message to you. The world is in danger and you are the only hope to civilization”. He handed me a voice recorder, a giant stick, and what looked like a giant pack of hubba bubba bubble gum. “What’s the gum for? “ I asked. “You’ll find out soon. But it’s not just gum, it’s SUPER gum”. “What’s the stick for”? “You’ll find out soon. But it’s not just a stick, it’s a magic stick”. “What’s the voice recorder for”? “You’ll find out soon. But it’s not just a voice recorder, it’s a voice changer”. “O.k. then. Very helpful. Can you give me an idea of what the danger to the world is”? The big headed meaty handed 7 foot tall alien smiled. “You’ll find out soon”, he said. And then he vanished before my eyes. Part 2. Just as the Alien boy disappeared before my eyes, he pointed behind me. I turned in time to see a giant sling shot. “Oh no! I’m not going in there!” But it was too late, the alien boy was gone and I had no other choice. Once I got into the slingshot, I sat for a minute and wondered what I needed to do. But I didn’t have to wonder for long because I noticed by my feet a red button. The button said “press me”. So I did. FLING! 2 It felt like I was rocketing through outer space. I flew so fast that the air spinned around me and I couldn’t see the sky, the ground, or even myself. Whoops. My eyes were closed. No wonder. CRASH. I opened my eyes to discover that I had landed in a pool of water. Actually, it wasn’t really a pool of water. It was a whirlpool. The water was spinning around and I was spinning with it. I tried to grab hold of the muddy sides of the pool but I kept slipping. I couldn’t stop and I was getting sucked down into the vortex. “Help Help” I screamed. It was no use. I got sucked down and suddenly I was underwater gasping for air. Everything went black. Thud. Everything went white. I was in a big white room. The room’s walls were covered with buttons. Red buttons, yellow buttons, blue buttons. The buttons were all different sizes, but one button stood out because it was bigger than all the rest and bright orange. It was flashing. I really like pressing buttons. And it’s pretty much impossible not to press a giant flashing orange button. So I pressed it. Everything went dark. Then light. Then dark. The sound was deafening.... Whirring and buzzing and beeping all around me. Then the floor started to shake and the walls of the room suddenly became see through – they were windows! I was in a spaceship and it was taking off! I looked out and realized that I was looking out at my house, my street, and my parent’s minivan. Way off in the distance I could just make out my school. MY SCHOOL! Sitting on the roof of my little elementary school was the Biggest! Meanest! Scariest! looking monster I had ever seen. And it was staring right at me. Part 3. I looked around but there were no controls for driving the spaceship. I was on a trajectory and I didn’t have any idea where it was going to take me. The ship lifted off and before I could even think about what to do next, it was zooming across the sky towards the giant beast sitting on top of my school. Within a few seconds I was close enough to the beast to see the matted fur on its head and hear its heavy breathing. Its roar was so loud that the ship shook. At least I thought the ship shook from its roar. Then I realized that the ship was shaking because the monster had leapt up and wrapped its giant claws around my landing gear. 3 I panicked. What should I do? I looked around at the buttons on the control panel in front of me. There were so many. A few were flashing but the big blue button to the right looked promising. It was glowing and it had a big eyeball on it. Since I didn’t have any other options, I decided to go for it. I pressed the blue button. The boost of the rocket impacted my standing ability and I was flung to the ground as the ship sped across the sky, the monster beast hanging on below. That is when I came to a final conclusion. I must get rid of the monster once and for all. Unfortunately, before I could put a single plan in action, everything around me began to vibrate. Not again ! Only this time, it was because the weight of the monster suddenly snapped the landing gear that he was holding onto. The entire ship rolled and then the engine stopped. As I watched the monster plummet, I realized that the ship and I were plummeting as well. With all the strength I had left, I smashed one of the huge windows and threw myself out of the free falling spaceship. Looking down, my eyes registered a massive volcano and I discovered that the monster and I were both falling to our very hot and fiery deaths. HELP ! Lucky for me, I grabbed onto a nearby ledge and managed to hang on tightly. Not so lucky for the monster. I watched him as he vanished forever in the pit below. I wasn’t so thrilled about following his route, but my hands were slipping and I couldn’t hold on for much longer. See Prologue! I was doomed! Just then the Alien boys face flashed before my eyes and suddenly I remembered what he gave me. I reached in my pocket and found the huge pack of hubba bubba bubble gum and stuck every piece in my mouth. I chewed like crazy. Then I blew. And blew. And BLEW. The biggest bubble I’d ever blown. As the bubble gathered size, it began to lift me up, up, up. But I was rising up pretty darn slow. I felt around in my pocket and found the rock. Turns out it wasn’t a regular old rock! I flung it away from me and it fell down into the volcano lava pit where it exploded, propelling me upwards in a speedy blast. Once I was floating high above the ground I looked down and saw that the volcano had spread lava all over the side of the small mountain, so I continued to drift across the sky past hills and fields and small towns until I saw way below me the little town where I lived and my own backyard. I could just make out the top of my house and the small dot of my dog in the driveway. 4 I took out the stick, which had been strapped in my belt loop, and rammed it into the super strong bubble gum bubble which was keeping me afloat. With a whoosh, the air let loose and then as I whizzed towards the ground, the stick magically adjusted itself just in the nick of time to become a pogo stick. I safely bounced my landing onto my front porch. A pogo bounced landing is way better than a crash on your head landing. Phew. Home sweet home. My dog looked at me and then started barking. I knew he was trying to tell me something, but I couldn’t quite figure out what. I grabbed the voice changer that the Alien boy had given me and I put the microphone up to her mouth. She barked right into it as if she knew what it was. “Good job Brendan. You saved the planet. Now get me a dog biscuit.” My work around here is never done. The End. 5