Chapter 1 And the kingdom was blissful. THE END. But let me start from the beginning. Hi, I’m Sylvia. I discovered a world called Iris. One day while I was cleaning, I found an eye key in a cupboard in my mom’s room. It looked gorgeous so I wore it as a necklace for three years until now. On this particular day, my family and I were moving. As I moved my bed, I found a tiny door covered in wallpaper. I saw the keyhole on the door, was reminded of the key on my neck, and I was speechless. “Oh my god, come now!” Sylvia texted Victoria. “Victoria is going to be so excited,” Sylvia squealed. Victoria was Sylvia’s best friend. They had been born on the same day, same month, and the same year. Sylvia waited two minutes and Victoria was at the door. Sylvia showed Victoria the door, unlocked it, and both entered. They were astounded by what they saw. The cosmos spread before them. They saw a world like no other. It was right in front of them. Iris. Chapter 2 Iris was a small world, as small as Texas. Something was wrong. I saw that half the world was cheery, happy, sunny, and clean. The other half was melancholy, dark and messed up. . When Victoria and I were walking not noticing where we were going and then BLAM! We walk straight into an eye. Great job Sylvia I thought to myself. AAAH! “An eye is right in front of me help!” shrieked Victoria. Even I wailed a little in my head. “Hi, I’m Marilyn,” said the mysterious eye. “Sorry, I guess I am a klutz.” “It’s fine. It’s not like I meet an eye every day.” I replied to the eye. “Oh, and my name is Sylvia and this is Victoria.” Marilyn, shocked to see us humans, still managed to reply, “Nice to meet you. Where do you come from?” Victoria replied “California.” “Ca-li-fo-rn-ia? Is that in planet Dee?” she questioned. “Planet Dee? We come from planet Earth, in peace,” I hastily added. “I have to warn Dad about you hu-mans.” Iris 1 I noticed she had a green Iris and that she looked content. “Since now we know about each other, let’s go somewhere,” I requested. “First, I want to ask two questions,” said Marilyn. “First how old are you?” “Twelve” Victoria and I said at the same time. “Oh, okay. I’m twelve too. Two, never, and I mean never, go on the dark side. All the oddballs are there.” We walked until we reached the town square. People were crying next to the shrine of the lost princess. I remembered a story that my grandmother Johanna always used to tell me when I was a little kid, about a world where everyone lived in agony when the princess lost her amulet. But I thought, no way this is what she was telling me about. So we walked and walked until we got to the edge of the bright side. The dark side was the total opposite of the bright side. “So where are we going?” I asked “I thought you knew where we’re going?” Marilyn sounded puzzled. “What? No, I don’t know where we’re going!” “Just kidding,” she chuckled. “So, where are we going for real?” I again asked. “You’ll see.” We walked for about five minutes until we reached a beautiful glittering park made almost entirely of diamonds. I was in awe looking around, but soon I heard my stomach rumbling. Victoria and I wandered off and I guess we ended up on the dark side. A strange glowing object in the ground caught my eye. I reached out to touch it, but Marilyn grabbed Victoria and me by the hand and started running. “You shouldn’t have gone there. If you stayed there too long you couldn’t get back home, not ever.” My heart was pounding. I was trying to scream in pain but all that came out was, “I want to go home.” We returned to the door to go back to Earth. Victoria and I said our goodbyes to Marilyn, and left her world, but I knew I would come back soon. Iris 2 Chapter 3 Once home, I found out that no time had passed. That night I slept on a sleeping bag and dreamt about Iris. The next morning I went back to Iris thinking I would accomplish something before we moved. Chapter 4 At first when I walked in to Iris, I thought I would see Marilyn right away. I didn’t see her. I walked in a little deeper and “Boo!” she scared me. “Ha, ha, very funny,” I said sarcastically. I told her about how we were moving to Florida that day. “Excuse me, I need to use the ladies room,” she explained. While she was gone, I ran to the dark side and grabbed the mysteriously glowing object, running, not thinking what it was. Once I got back the bright side, I took a peek at it. The object was glowing even more. I put it behind my back, as Marilyn returned to stand beside me. “So, I’m leaving today. Do you want to do something?” I continued where I had left off. “If you don’t know what to do, then, let’s go idea fishing,” she proposed. “Idea fishing? What’s that?” I wondered. “Oh, you have never heard of it? It’s basically using a fishing rod to reel in ideas, the bigger the better.” So Marilyn and I went to the dock. In the water I caught a scrap of an idea, it said, “Paint a picture of the lost amulet.” “That’s a good idea. Here,” she said while she shoved a picture of the lost amulet in my hand. I studied the picture and the vibe reminded me of the glowing thing in my hand. I noticed that Marilyn was a really artistic person. She drew it almost like the photograph. “Wow, you’re an amazing painter,” I exclaimed. “Thanks,” she said, blushing a little bit. My grandmother taught me how to paint like this. She was a really good friend until the amulet disappeared. We never saw her since. I’m so sorry. I said in sorrow. So we painted until we were both done. Iris 3 Iris 4 “Let’s go idea fishing, again,” she said. I put the glowing thing in my pocket and I forgot about it the whole time we were doing something fun. Chapter 5 Marilyn and I were having so much fun it was hard to believe that after today we would never see each other again. Chapter 6 I went back home and ate some food, still not remembering the glowing object. I asked my mom if we could leave the next day, because our house had deep sentimental value. It had belonged to our family for generations. Actually, I didn’t want to leave, because I wanted to stay with Marilyn the longest I could. When I was with her I felt something, like she was family. Finally I remembered and at long last I looked at the glowing object. It was the lost amulet! I ran as fast as I could possibly run toward Iris and again I ran into Marilyn, just like when we first met. I showed her the amulet and she had the same face I had when I first looked at it. “Oh, my god, I have to show Dad this,” she was nearly in a state of disbelief. She grabbed me and ran to the palace. “Papa! Look what my friend Sylvia found,” Marilyn said as she held the amulet out. “Oh, my sweet honey Marilyn,” he said breathlessly. “Thank you for finding the lost amulet.” “Actually Sylvia found it,” Marilyn said. Marilyn and her father whizzed to the shrine of the lost amulet and placed the amulet on it. Then the whole kingdom heard this, “Thank you Sylvia.... You are just as brave as your grandmother Johanna.... She was my friend the same as you and Marilyn.... Thank you again.” And the whole kingdom was blissful.