I am the new girl in town and I am very scared to go to a new school, I mean it’s like a new life all over again it’s not that good of a feeling either. My family moved here after my mom got fired from her job. She had worked in at a factory, and she wanted to start fresh, of course, and my dad agreed to it. My brother and I aren’t too sure about it yet. When they are talking about something that involves our life then they don’t even talk to us about it and see if we’re ok about it so I’m mad at them. My brother is 3 years old so he doesn’t even know, but I’m 15 so I know all about this stuff. I know because it’s just nature I guess you could say for a girl like me. My mom always said she and my dad will never break up, but I think they will soon because they are renting this house and buying another one. So maybe if they break up they would each have somewhere to go. I really want to live with my dad, though. He lets me have the freedom of going to the movies with friends and the bowling alley with friends. My mom doesn’t let me have any freedom she says “There has to be an adult wherever you are” It makes me so mad that I want to just yell at her and run away you know. It’s the first day in a new school. I am really scared that no one will like me. I mean I am very likeable but to some people they just don’t see it. First class is English; I never really liked English that well. Then I had science. Then I really checked out for the rest of the day. That’s how it was for the rest of the year. I found out that I had to retake all my quizzes and tests I was not happy at all. I don’t want to live anymore. It’s really hard to live with a awful mother and a great father because if they break up then my mom expects me to choose her, but I won’t because I don’t like her. I know that sounds like I am just saying that, but I am really not. I really don’t like her at all. My mom always said I love you but I know that she really didn’t love me and it bugs me to know that she doesn’t like me or love me. I feel that if you have a problem with your son or daughter or your family or friends then you need to tell them because then they are hanging on a thread and when you are mad at them then, they don’t know why then they get mad and it turns into a big fight and argument. I can’t tell my own mother that I don’t like her because that would be plain rude. If it was your friend then you can tell them and they might try and fix it but sometimes they won’t or can’t. You don’t understand what I’m going through. 24hours later “Mom where are my awesome sneakers?” “I don’t know. Keep track of your stuff!” “Ok mom I don’t know what to do anymore. Why don’t you want me as I can see there is nothing wrong with me!” “Ok daughter what’s wrong with you I don’t and I never did want you. I don’t know why but I just never did!” “Mom I am leaving and I mean it!” “No, don’t leave please!” “Why, you don’t want me? no one does. Why can’t I” ? “Because your father will blame me for it and I love him and I know he will leave me if he found out that I didn’t like you!” “Too bad for you, I really don’t care what he does to you because what ever it is then you deserve it!!!” “PLEASE DON’T GO!!! “BYE” SLAM!! “Hello” “Jason, Amber ran off I don’t know where she is she won’t answer her phone!” “What? Why?” “Well, I told her something I should not have.” “What did you say?” “I said that I hated her and wished she would leave and then she said ok fine bye then she was gone!” “Are you kidding me? Really I am done with you” “No, wait!” He hung up, something she had probably never experienced before with him. I was sitting there at the bus stop waiting for my bus to come when I saw my dad. I had to do something, run, sit there; I started walking the other way with a baseball cap that belonged to my dad when he was my age. “Amber!!!” he yelled and yelled, I wanted to go back but, but I couldn’t, I just can’t I told myself time and time again, but my body wouldn’t listen my mind was saying don’t go back they will treat you badly, but then my body is saying go back he loves you. What do I do? “Pardon me have you seen a 15 year old girl anywhere?” “No, sorry I have not” “Thank you” Ah, I got out of that one, but where do I go? I guess I can go to Jackie’s house, or Granny’s no they will blow my cover! I can go to Mariah’s house she will help me. “KNOCK, KNOCK!!” “Hey girl, what happened?” “I ran away that’s what happened!” “ I can’t keep you here, you know that right? I mean this is the first place your dad will look! “What? I thought you would help me not tear me down really what is wrong with you I thought you were my friend!” “Well I guess you thought wrong because all the times you did something I got in trouble for it! I never forgave you for the drinking thing you know! And because of you I went to technically prison and you didn’t care!!” “That’s not true. I bailed you out the in the next month. My parents said they wouldn’t bail you out until they thought you learned your lesson, and I came to visit. I-I did a lot of things for you in return. Your bailing fee was just for underage drinking was 100,000$ just to bail you out and you still owe my family that money but we let it go because we knew you couldn’t afford it. So we were thinking about you and now you don’t even care what kind of person does that to what they said is their best friend!” “ I don’t owe you that money you owe it to yourself!” “Fine if we are not friends what so ever than I will pick Jessica over you!” “You wouldn’t” “Watch me, she lives right across the street see you at school!” “DING DONG DING DONG” “Hi, is Jessica there?” “Why yes hold on one minute.” “Hi, Amber what are you doing here?” “Well I ran away from home and I needed a place to stay until I get ready to go home” “What about Mariah? “I chose you over her” “I would love for you to stay let me ask my mom, MOM CAN AMBER LIVE WITH US FOR A LITTLE WHILE?” “SURE, MAKE SURE SHE HAS ENOUGH CLOTHES AND IF SHE DOSN’T LEND HER SOME OF YOUR’S” “THANKS Mom. Ok well, here is you bedroom it’s bigger than mine I hope you like it. Dinner is at 6:30 sharp, and bedtime is anytime you want to because there is not any school tomorrow and I am happy you came.” “Me too, I didn’t know where to turn, I thought you were the best choice.” “Well, we are happy for you to stay here.” “Thank you.” “Well just make yourself at home and dinner will be soon so you can come to my room if you need anything, I will be on my way, see you later.” “Bye” I was standing there all alone, thinking I can’t make myself at home without my daddy right beside me saying “Goodnight pal” like he always did, I couldn’t stay there. Oh no, 6:30 sharp dinner! “We are happy to have you join us Amber.” “Thanks for having me.” “No problem, anytime.” “Thanks.” I felt a sudden rush across my back, like a hand brushing its fingers across my back. “Is there any house history, this house looks really old.” “Yes, the story is the man whom built it was a serial killer, he would rent the house then kill the people. He did this for 10 years and never got caught, but one night he heard police outside his door he opened it and slit his throat right in front of all the policemen, It was scary. Some people say all the souls live here now. “Do you believe all that stuff?” “Yes, we both do, do you?” “Yes, I do I really do.” I heard a noise in the kitchen “Did you guys hear that?” “Yes lets go get your father. “Dad there’s something downstairs in the kitchen.” “Alright. Lets go down there.” “Be careful Fredrick.” “Who’s there?” “MEOWW.” “FONZO!!! “Its just Fonzo you can come down now.”’ “That darn cat. Sometimes I have no idea what to do with you!” “ You gave us quite a scare Fonzo!” “I think I’m going to head up to bed.” “Night!” “Jessica, do you think its right to run away from home and never go back?” “I think if you really don’t like it at home, then why be there and who knows maybe if you stay away long enough your family will change, your only fifteen, who knows what will happen.” “Maybe your right, maybe I just need to stay awhile and hope for the best.” 1 year later, December 19th, 2015 “Jessica, I think its time for me to go home, I have loved it here really but I think its time to go home.” “I think your right but if your family’s not ready then just come back, your 16 now, you can do it.” “Thanks.” I thought it might not be time to go home, that they may have forgotten me after this crazy year, that they have replaced me. I was walking down the street and saw my house and thought im almost home. I knocked on the door, but something strange happened…a young man opened the door. “Hello, how can I help you?” “Do you know anything about the people who lived here before you?” “Yes, they moved out of town a couple of months ago.” “Thanks.” My heart dropped, how could they do this? Did they even look for me? Did they still think of me? All these unanswered questions just made me think more. I don’t know what I would do but I will find my family, or maybe its not worth it maybe they moved because they didn’t want me to come home? I’m not sure what to do anymore wanted to come home but it was to late. “KNOCK KNOCK.” “Amber your back what happened?” “They moved.” “What do you mean, they moved?” “I mean they moved out in the world somewhere.” “That sucks Amber I’m sorry really, what are you going to do now?” “Live here if I can?” “Of course you can.” “Thanks, your family has been so nice to me, how can I ever repay you?” “You are apart of the family now, no need to repay.” “Thanks” The Runaway 6-8 3/16/12 8:32 AM