Ms. Dinklemyer My sister is starting fourth grade today. Naturally she is excited. I on the other hand I feel really bad for her. She got Ms. Dinklemyer as her teacher. I had her as my fourth grade teacher; she was the worst teacher ever. If she heard you whispering, you would get detention for three for three whole months. If you made a mistake while writing, she would make you write, “I am a horrible student” on the blackboard 100 times. If you messed up while writing them you had to start all over, and afterwards she made you erase it all and clean out the erasers. This was going to be a long year for Annie. “I’m so excited for school. Emily is in my class. I heard my teacher is really nice. Everyone says that she gives you candy if you make a mistake.” Annie was screaming all through the house. I remember when I was in fourth grade and I had her, she had the fattest nose, the most acne covered face and was a little over weight. “Well, there’s the bus, I better go. Bye mom, love you.” Before mom could say anything, she was out the door running towards Emily. Now when I was in Ms. Dinklemyer’s class, and this was about 8 years ago. She was evil and hated me. I was the little class clown that everyone kind of hated but just had to laugh at. I hope that Ms. Dinklemyer doesn’t remember my last name and then take out all her anger on Annie. One thing that was going around in my head is, how is she still alive. I mean, when she was my teacher she was already like 70. So how the heck is she still alive? “Hey mom I’m going over to Ally’s house.” It was great because high school doesn’t start until next week, “Okay sweetie,” she said seeming really tired. “Love you, bye,” and I was gone. I remember after my first day of fourth grade, I came home crying. I was just hoping that wouldn’t happen to Annie. I was worrying all day. I realized that Annie isn’t that weak and she could take on Ms. Dinklemyer. I still had butterflies in my stomach. I was sleeping over at Ally’s house, so I decided to give Annie a call to see how the day went. My mom picked up the phone; She was saying that Annie’s first day was amazing and that Ms. Dinklemyer is still the same person. Annie described her as old, nice and funny. I just stood there with my mouth open. All I was thinking is she must have really changed as a person. Is that it is just a It couldn’t be, no one could have liked Ms. Dinklemyer enough to marry her and have a kid. Unless of course she adopted a child. I’m just going to say it is a coincidence that they have the same last name, that one makes me less sick to my stomach. Later I called my sister to talk to her about it. “ Was she good to you?” I said curiously “Yeah she liked everyone. She was even nice to the obnoxious boys who sat in the back of the classroom.” Annie said like she is in a hurry. “Okay, so like what did you guys do all day?” “We played name games, learned what we are going to do this year and some other stuff that I don’t really care about.” “That sounds fun.” I said not very included about what was going on. “It was really fun. I have to go, I’m making cookies for tomorrow.” She said in a hurry “Okay well have fun. Love you, bye.” I said sadly “Bye” She said quietly as she was pulling the phone away from her face. She didn’t sound like she wanted to talk to me; we never really had a good relationship. Maybe she was just overwhelmed by how peppy her teacher was. Maybe her teacher wasn’t nice at all and gave them homework on the first day of school. Maybe she was just making cookies for school. The next day, when I got home, early in the morning, Annie had gotten up late and she needed a ride to school. I offered to drive her since my mom had a yoga class to go to. The whole way to the school no one said a peep. When she got out of the car I looked back ready to leave. Then I notice a brown paper bag in the back seat. She forgot her lunch. Wait, this is my chance to talk to Ms. DInklemyer. I walk into the front office and ask what class she’s in. I’m in luck she’s with Ms. Dinklemyer. I get directions and I start walking down the hall. I was trying to remember the last time I was here; I think it was when I graduated from here. As I’m thinking about this I end up getting lost, and I remember nothing about this school. I start wandering and I eventually end up at Ms. Dinklemyer’s door. I try looking in to see the teacher, but all I can see are the kids. I see Annie, she looks at me, then gives me the evil eye like what are you doing here. I hold up her lunch bag. She rolls her eyes at me. I slowly open the door, and in an instant everyone’s eyes are on me. “Hi, sorry, I’m just here to drop off Annie’s lunch bag. She forgot it in the car.” I said slowly while staring at the same old, Ms. Dinklemyer. “It’s okay we were just finishing up a book.” She said in her old crackly voice, seeming a little bit nicer though. “Good,” the meanwhile Annie came over and snatched the bag out of my hand, almost ripping it. I just smile then leave. Annie was probably happy that I left, she knew if I stayed too long I would get into a huge conversation with Ms. Dinklemyer, asking if she remembered me and why she was teaching. I think she did recognize me because just before I left she gave this sort of evil look, like “I remember you and I will always hate you” type of look I start thinking how I could Annie out of that class. My only concluded of dressing up as my mom, pretending to be her and get Annie switched out of that class. I as started thinking about it, it actually doesn’t seem that hard. My mom and I look so much alike. We both have long brown hair, blue eyes, and both 5’10 and have the same long skinny legs. This was going to be easy enough. That night I never came out of room. I was planning what I would do. I would walk in there, pretend to be my mother and get Annie switched out of that woman’s class. I started freaking out. I start doubting myself. I’m not going to be able to do this. The next thing I know it’s morning and it’s go time. I start getting dressed and then I realize I dress nothing like my mom. She is still sleeping from her exhausting yoga class last night, so I have to sneak in. I run into her closet and shut the door so she can’t see me. I start going through her cloths and I finally find a semi-good outfit. I run out of the closet. I make it our safe. I get ready as quickly as possible. I through on the cloths, try to do my hair like my mother does and my makeup. I jump into the car a drive as fast as I can to that school. At this point Annie’s already in school. I jump out of the car climb up run up the steps. When at the top of the steps I realize if I’m pretending to be an adult, I should act like one. As I’m walking into the principal’s office I start to think, try to sound like her, you can do it. “Hello I’m here to day to talk about Annie’s teacher.” Surprised at how much I sound like my mother. “Oh, okay. What’s wrong?” She asked surprised. “I really didn’t want her to be in Ms. Dinklemyer’s class. We’ve had something issues in the past with her.” “Ok I can see what I can do.” She turns around and starts going through papers. She’s turned around for about a minute or two. “Ok, Ms. Dinklemyer’s is a little over filled. I can switch her to Ms. Kingston’s class or Mr. Walsh’s class. Which would you prefer?” I try to remember those teachers. I don’t who Ms. Kingston is, but I remember Mr. Walsh, he was the teacher everybody loved. “How about Mr. Walsh.” I say with a smile “Ok She will be switched tomorrow.” “Thank you so much!” I say with trying to scream with joy. “Oh and can you just tell people it’s because of overfilled classes, because technically I’m not supposed to do this.” “Yeah of course, thank you again.” As I’m leaving the room. I run down the stairs, partially skipping. I start to think that how am I going to tell me mother. Then I think, Annie will just think it’s because of overfilled classes, perfect! I drive home. When I get home my mother is still sleeping, I go up stairs and sleep for the whole day. Even through dinner. As I’m waking up it’s hard to realize that I almost slept for a whole day. I get out of bed and make breakfast. I’m surprised to see it’s already one o’clock. Only three more hours till Annie gets home. I sit around all day. I even took an hour nap. It’s scary how much I’m sleeping. As I’m walking upstairs to actually get dressed. I realize that my mothers not home. Then I remember that she had yet another yoga class to go to. As I’m getting dressed I realize it’s almost four o’clock. I run downstairs and jump on the couch. Right as I’m jumping on the couch, Annie bursts through the door. “Guess what happened to me today?” “What?” “I got switched into Mr. Walsh’s class.” “Are you mad?” “No, Mr. Walsh is really cool and funny.” “That’s good. Did they say why you got switched?” “Yeah, it was because some classes were overfilled or something, I don’t know exactly.” “I’m just glad your happy.” “Are you ok, you’re starting to sound like our mother?” “I’m perfectly fine”. She runs upstairs. I just sit there smiling and thinking, wow I’m such a great sister. 1 Ms. Dinklemyer 6-8