It was a hot summer day, and my friends Nick, May, and I had just got out of school for spring break. We had all sorts of plans, but tomorrow wasn’t one of them, we had to go to a facility to write a report for one of our eighth grade science teachers. The trip was a must do after spring break, and I really didn’t want to, but I had no choice. Nick is very intelligent and a workaholic with homework, he would do anything to get good grades. He is an all-around fun friend to have around. One the annoying things about Nick is, since he works out a lot, he likes to brag about his six pack abs, which is the reason why he likes to wear those tight white shirts. My other friend May is a sweet fourteen year old girl, that can be mean at times, but only when we're in a serious situation that warrants it. She is always concerned about how skinny she is, but I keep telling her that she is sweet and has some really muscled legs. Honestly, she has beautiful green eyes, shiny blond hair, a sweet voice, with a really cute smile, but don't tell her that. And now me….Oh! I had forgotten to introduce myself, I’m Tom and I’m a fifteen year old boy with spiky brown hair, green mixed with blue eyes, and basically the poorest kid in town. I live in a really dirty apartment with only my mom, I have no dad, so my only happiness is my mom and friends, but that's ok, just long as I have them. And now that we are all introduced, it’s time to start my story of that tragic day at the facility. What started out as just a report for a grad on how robot’s work, became so much more …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. There must have been hundreds of bad stories about this facility, and I’m sure that every person in town and beyond has probably heard some of them, like one of the rumors that said that this facility has a bad past of testing and killing innocent people for their experiments, but it is also said that these are just fake rumors, so we don’t know what to think, but we still had to go either way. After we arrived at the facility, and made our way out of the car, we said goodbye to my mother, and clarified that time that she would pick us up, but as we left, the question of “Is this really a good idea?” swirled around in my thoughts as we made our way inside, and at the entrance, we were greeted by a man; he looked to be in his thirties, he was wearing a white lab coat, black pants, and black dress shoes. His hair was a dark brown, and it was pulled back, but some strands still poked out. He looked muscular and had a kind smile. “Hello, are you the ones who came for the tour of the facility?” asked the man. “Yes! My name is Tom, and here are my friends May and Nick", said Tom. "Who are you?” questioned May. The man seemed to take to us right away, and he said while nodding, “My name is Richard Ransom, but you can call me Rick, and now it’s time for the tour, so follow me.” “Ok!” We answered. As we walked through the long winding hallway and listened to Rick speak about the different machines and how they worked, something felt wrong, it’s hard to explain, I mean with all the bad rumors and stories, could the multitude be wrong. I couldn't put my finger on it, but a discomforting feeling was welling up all the more in my gut, drawing ever closer...Then, as I pasted by the next window, chills rippled up my spine. I had to take a quick glance, so I slowly turned towards the window and What I saw looked human! It looked like a living human, but only as it slept could a robot be seen. Its body lay in a capsule, enclosed by a dark room, with the only light seen being that of a small red light, which seemed to hover just above; it gave the whole room an eerie mood. I could see that the robot was wearing a long black overcoat ending just below its knees, it had blue pants, sharp black shoes, red and black hair that was spiked upwards, it looked so evil when I looked closer and then Its eyes opened, and it was staring right at me!!! And God! I was so scared. Its eyes were blood red and glowing with hate, corruption, and a thirst for blood, I tried to move, but I was paralyzed by the red glow, it felt like it was pulling me in, while it smirked evilly. So much hate, I couldn’t take it, and I screamed, and Right after I screamed, everything came to life, the machines started to make this weird screeching noise, and I heard all these beeps and sirens, they were so loud, that you could hear them all throughout the facility. It was terrifying that all this started to happen right when I screamed. “What did you do!?” yelled Nick. He looked scared as ever, with all this warning sirens going off, even May looked terrified. “I didn’t do anything! I just looked at one of the robots, and it opened its eyes and looked at me, so I screamed!” affirmed Tom. “What robot!?” asked both May and Nick. “That robo-, wait, it’s gone!!” The robot that had been there, had somehow smashed the glass and escaped, but where did it go!? “Tom! This is not joke time, what’s going on!” yelled Nick. “I don’t know!” I answered. “What’s going on here?” asked Rick. He looked confused and dizzy from all the noise, but I could see how scared he was inside; his eyes were easy to read. “Tom said that one of the robots opened its eyes and it made him scream" said Nick, and I’m guessing you’re going to say that your scream woke everything up too?” asked Rick, “I’m serious Nick! I’m not lying!” I answered. “Ya right!” replied Nick. “He is telling the truth Nick, this chamber was holding one of our strongest and most human looking robots in the world.” Rick added. “What! Are you telling me that those robots that were rumored to be humanized robots are real?” asked May. “I’m afraid so.” affirmed Rick. When Nick looked like he was about to yell at Rick, a robotic woman's voice sounded out: “ALERT! ALERT! ALERT! G 3.0 has awoken, and has lost control!” Beep…“ALERT! A-LERT! A-L-ERT!! M.A.X 2.000 H-A-S A-Wok- En!!!” Beep…“A-LT! A-ERT!! A-LERT !!! M. H-AS A-WOK-EN.”… Static. The women’s voice seemed to have shut down but I was only worried about what she had said instead of the voice problem, and Rick looked even more troubled “Crap!! This is not good! We need to go now!” yelled Rick. Rick told us to run to the big door at the end of the hallway, so we did but right when we were almost there, we heard a scream and then a crash and slam, I was too scared to turn around, but I did anyways and what I saw dropped my heart to my stomach. A man in a lab coat had been imprinted into the wall, blood was everywhere and his body lay like a limp rag on the floor. The robotic evil responsible for this, started to walk through the broken glass window, it was covered in blood. It was the robot that I first saw, the one with the red glowing eyes, and in an instant of eye contact it started to attack, but everything happened so fast, I could hardly see it unfold, but I was able to see the wall breaking and shattering and in a split second hitting the robot covered in blood. When the smoke cleared, a muscular man stood in front of me, looking at me and standing in a protective stance. He was wearing a white T- shirt, dark blue jeans, black boots, and a dark grey hoody sweatshirt, along with a black and grey head band. His hair was black, with it spiked on each side of his face. His eyes were light brown (like his skin) and he had such a serious, yet comforting, expression. “W-why d-did you?” I stuttered, and before I could get an answer, he grabbed me and ran at high speed through the door, and caught up to my friends, just before the security door closed. We made it before the high tech blood covered robot could get his bearings and attack again. “TOM!!! Are you ok!” yelled Nick. "I am better now. I was paralyzed with panic... with all the chaos and screaming... I couldn't run!" Thank God this man came to my rescue, and hauled me to safety. "You know your rescuer was one of those humanized robots, right?!” asserted Nick. “WHAT!!” I yelled. I had just come to the realization of what my rescuer was, but I was puzzled, he didn’t look or seem as evil as the other one, and he looked happy to see us. “Well!!! Well!! Well! David Molten 1.0! It’s really nice to see you here, and I mean it!” said Rick relieved. “ guys actually have a good robot!” Nick said sarcastically speaking. “I'm not the only one, and now I need your help.” replied David. David had a deeply troubled look on his face, so I knew this had to be serious, so I asked, “What’s wrong David?" And he replied, “My friends… they’ve gone haywire and someone is causing it!” I thought to myself, "Friends? “What friends? You cannot be talking about the one who attacked me?! Right! I blurted out. “Yes, he is one of them, so let me explain.” So David went on to explain: "The one who attacked you was Gregory, and yes he can be rough at times, but he has never been out of control like this, so I sincerely apologize for what he has done. We cannot blame him, for it’s not his fault, his programming has been breached, and he can’t control himself, and the other Max, seems a little more resistant to the virus' effects, but he’s slowly losing it by the second, and I‘ve tried everything to help them, but it is of no use, the main system has been hacked and a virus installed. Their human like senses are all screwed up, and to tell you the truth, I don’t know how I’m still ok, I must have been disconnected from the main terminal when the virus was uploaded, because I am not out of control; looking to harm everything in my path. I know someone must have hacked the main system, because Max warned me that something was wrong the day before all this craziness started. I also heard Gregory speaking in a glitch language, which is another indicator." The one I believe is responsible for this is Mark Doctrineson, and why I think this is because he, whenever he looked at me and my friends, would give us an evil smirk. He was always playing around with the main controls and making some of the smaller robots explode. His laugh was so evil like, oh god that laugh! You couldn't miss it. Once I caught Mark trying to upgrade Max with a bad chip, that could have destroyed him, and guess what! I think that was his plan, because afterwards, when I was done fixing Max, Mark looked at me with a disappointed expression on his human like face, like he was expecting more from me, like possibly a fight.” “Are you serious!?” I yelled, while David looked upset and angered. “This is outrageous! I should have known Mark was up to something, and that is would happen one day!” yelled Rick. Rick was stressed, and angry all at the same time as I could see, then Rick whispered, with a stern look on his face, “Listen kids, Mark is a maniac and it seems that he may have overridden the system, but there is still a way to get you guys out, all we have to do is go to the main system and open the doors, so you can all leave, and then I can stop Mark once and for all?” “Ok.” I said nervously. We walked for awhile and then stopped to rest. May and Max were talking with David, as I went and sat down next to Rick. “I have two boys at home, and you kind of remind me of one of them.” said Rick. “Huh? your family?” I replied. "Yes, they're the best things in my life, and I love them dearly" replied Rick. I started to feel bad, because he was going headfirst into a battle that could kill him, and he had a family to feed. "If you die, what's going to happen to them?" I asked. “Even though I have a family, I have to protect you guys and the robots, it is the right thing to do!” stated Rick. “Why protect the robots? I mean I understand you protecting us and all, but them!? Why?” I asked with curiosity in my voice. He started to look sad and sympathetic, and I didn’t understand why, until he said a shocking thing about them. “They once were real humans before this.” Rick said. I yelled “No Way!” so loudly; that the others looked at us for a second with strange looks. Rick then looked at me with seriousness and sadness and said, “I know this is shocking, but it’s true, they used to be human friends until an accident ended their lives completely." “What happened?” I asked, I was really curious to know, and nothing was going to stop me from getting an answer and so Rick went on to explain further: “Max, Gregory, and David were my best friends, we did everything together, we protected each other. We were like brothers, but One day our families gathered for a huge party in preparation for a trip we were going to take together, but as the party progressed, we were attacked by a band of armed men, they tried to kill us, but we stood together against them and attacked. This move took my friends' lives, while I was spared. My three dearest friends died before my eyes as we fought together. They died protecting their families. The pain in my heart led me to ask the families if they would donate Max, Gregory, and David to science, and to the place where I worked - here, so we could see them again one day. The decision was not easy, but our families were close, and trusted each other, so they finally agreed to it, and after their transformations, it was hard to believe that they were not the old friends I had known, and grew up with. They were so life-like, they didn't seem like machines running programs, and they seemed to possess the spirits of their former selves within, so I swore to protect my friends and never lose them again. I have to save them at whatever the cost, they would do the same for me.” It broke my heart to hear his story. Rick was a real kind of friend. “Well, we better get moving now," said Rick, time is ticking down. Nick, May, and I followed Rick and David through a winding path of ducking in and out of rooms constantly alert. When we had finally reached the main system room, it was a gruesome sight. Blood was everywhere, and the bodies of lab workers laid all around us. How terrible of a sight! And seeing this told us that we were not alone and sure enough, it was true, with a blast through the wall and the dust settling, there stood another humanized robot with drills for its hands. That must be Max, because He had spiky black hair with a piece of it hanging out over his forehead, and his eyes were different, they were faded and had a red error sign glowing in them. “All I have to do is get over there and block Mark's virus signal, but I can't delete the virus, that can only be done in the place where the signal is coming from." asserted Rick. “Ok! but how do we get past him!” yelled May. “David, can you hold him off for a bit, just for me to fix It." yelled Rick, “Sure can! Go!” replied David. As Rick ran to the panels, Nick joined David to stand against Max, and Luckily, Max showed some resistance to the virus overtaking him, so the fight was more like a pushing match, and after a brief go-around, Max started swinging side-to-side, he became dizzy, his pupils grew wide and he fell to the ground in a buckled position. “I got it!” yelled Rick from across the room, and when David heard this, he ran to Max and started shaking him fiercely, and you could see how David was scared and uncertain, with not knowing the outcome for Max and the virus signal deactivation, but when Max awoke and looked up at David with a smile, David and Rick sighed with happiness and relief, All seemed well, until the huge screen overhead activated and revealed the mastermind behind this disaster - Mark, it was surely Mark, just as Rick had suspected. Mark looked like a crazy scientist, with a black lab coat, red ear phones around his neck, and red eyes with a black slit pupil of evil. Even his smile was twisted. “Ha! Look who was able to stop my signal, too bad you weren’t able to stop all the robots. No need to worry! My signal won’t stay down for long! No one stops Mark! Mark proclaimed. “Oh, I will stop you Mark! and save Gregory 3.0.” proclaimed Rick. “Then I’ll be waiting for you, Richard!” stated Mark chuckling. The way he said Rick's name, made me just want to punch him in the mouth, but I couldn’t, darn it! “The doors are open David, get them to safety. I will deal with Mark.” said Rick. That is when I spoke up, “No! I’m going with you Rick!” “Please Tom, you must go home.” said Rick, “But what about you? If you die, then what will happen to your family?” I replied. “I know…but I have to do this, so please go home.” said Rick. Rick knew what he was up against, and the odds weren't in his favor, as we made our way towards the door, I looked back at Rick. He had guided us and stood by us through it all. How do you say goodbye to someone who did that? As David lead us through what seemed like never ending hallways, I couldn't quit worrying about Rick’s safety and what might happen. I had been so caught up in my thoughts that I didn’t realize that I could see sunlight as we made our way closer to our escape, and what I saw Outside, of the lab was Police cars, medical cars, and a large crowd that had gathered. We were free at last. My friends jumped with joy, and hugged their parents, who had eagerly awaited their return from the lab, but as my mom and others called for me; I made my way back into the facility because I saw a mom with two boys and a girl staring with tears in their eyes awaiting the return of their father. This was Rick's family. I had decided that I was going to be there for Rick, just as he had been there for me. If I could help or save him, I was going too! When the door shut behind me with a bang! I turned as fast as I could and ran toward the main system room, and when I arrived, I could at least make out a trail of oil to follow. The trail led me right to a tall room, there were screens everywhere, and there in the middle of the room laid Rick, with Mark standing over him, holding some kind of a device pointed at Rick's head. David and Max were pinned against the wall by Gregory, so I had to do something, and I did see something, it was a stun gun lying next to the wall, so I grabbed it and yelled at the top of my lungs to get Marks attention, and it worked. Before Mark got a chance to speak I shot him with it, stunning him enough to give Rick a chance of escape, but Rick’s attempts failed because of his hurt leg, and Mark started to recover and I panicked. “WHY YOU LITTLE!!!” yelled Mark. He started backing me into a corner, until I suddenly bumped up against the wall; no it was a control system! And there was a self destruct button, but once I pressed it, everyone will die but a miracle happened. I saw a transportation button on the gun, so I pointed the gun at Rick and the others, but Rick had saw it and gave me a looking of pure horror… I just smiled and pressed the button and everything went black…but I didn’t die. I don’t know how I survived it, maybe the gun got me too? I don’t know but…man was my mom mad at me, and so was Rick and my friends….I don’t know what happened to Mark, but it’s over, and that’s what matters…for now. The End CODE NAME: VIRUS, 6-8, Page | 1