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Date Received: 2006-10-16
Type: other
Regarding: facility issue

Patron Comment: Would suggest that an area be available to tie up a dog (very friendly) - am in neighborhood - would be wonderful to walk over instead of driving - many other families with dogs would also enjoy this pleasure - since it is a "neighborhood" library. Thanks.

AADL Reply: Thank you for your suggestion. I too am a dog lover, but the concerns with having a 'tie up' area are sanitary conditions, theft of the animal, and liability since all dogs are not friendly to everyone - especially children - and generally need more attention than what they would receive if left alone. While I think your suggestion is a good one, I do not think it would be practical for a Library. Tim Minick Manager, Facilities

Date Received: 2006-10-16
Type: programs and events
Regarding: programs & events

Patron Comment: Reading Hour for deaf (interpreted) once a month. I work with a deaf student at Huron High (special ed) that would enjoy a reading hour and I'm sure we can arrange with Pioneer High deaf (special ed) to come too.

AADL Reply: Thank you for submitting your suggestion that we provide a reading hour for deaf students. Please feel free to contact me directly if you would like to discuss this further. We are happy to explore the possibility. Sincerely, Terry Soave Outreach & Neighborhood Services Manager (734) 327-8327

Date Received: 2006-10-16
Type: complaint
Regarding: facility issue

Patron Comment: It would be nice if you could block the flourescent lights so half the computer users weren't blinded by them. Thanks.

AADL Reply: This comment was submitted anonymously.

Date Received: 2006-10-16
Type: compliment
Regarding: customer service

Patron Comment: Overall, I appreciate the great job you all do. I am surprised to find the DVD movie "Legends of Zorro" on the children's shelf. It's a wonderful movie, but presents rather adult themes of drunkeness, adultery. This would be a surprise to anyone selecting children's movies. Thanks for having comment cards.

AADL Reply:

Date Received: 2006-10-16
Type: complaint
Regarding: computers

Patron Comment: Too many restrictions on computers for adults. Need to remove restrictions and let the adults use the computer as if they were at home.

AADL Reply: Thanks for contacting us. We understand that the restrictions we have in place on our public computers can make it tricky for experienced users to do the same things they might on a personal computer. However, these restrictions are not in place to limit your actions; they are there to protect you from other users of a public computer. We take patron privacy very seriously, and the biggest risk to that privacy is for users to be able to install software on a public machine that could harvest the personal information of other users, such as account names, passwords, or other personal data. We cannot take that risk, nor allow the possibility for users to be able to install other malicious software that would adversely affect the library network, even inadvertently. We're sorry that our security is inconvenient at times, but these are public computers highly susceptible to abuse, and we must protect all our users and the availability of our resources as best we can. The configuration of a typical home computer is unfortunately not appropriate for a public setting. If you are prevented from being able to do a specific action that you need to do in pursuit of normal web or office application use, please ask at the desk for assistance, as there may be another way to perform your task. Thank you for your feedback, and please let me know if you have any further questions. Eli Neiburger AADL Tech Manager

Date Received: 2006-10-16
Type: complaint
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: I tutor weekly for Washtenaw Literacy. Because the Northeast branch is space limited we have been using the Malletts Creek branch. It is difficult to find an open "tutor" space due to individuals (1) with their own laptops. It would be most helpful if one could reserve a space or at least ask people who are just using laptops to move. I tutor a regular weekly basis - same time.

AADL Reply: Hi Sharon, I'm sorry that you've run into trouble securing a room for your tutoring sessions. We do not offer reservations on our tutoring/study rooms at the branches, but instead make them available on a first-come first-served basis. There is no minimum occupancy required to use one of these rooms. Here are a few options for you to consider: 1) you might try to arrive earlier to secure a room at Malletts Creek; 2) you may look for a quiet non-tutor/study area of the library to hold your session; 3) you may inquire of staff whether the meeting room will be in use during the time you are there and are welcome to use it if it's free; 4) you may try another location such as the Downtown Library where there are a greater number of study rooms and quiet areas available. We try our best to accommodate everyone and appreciate you letting us know how we can serve you better. I hope these suggestions are helpful, but please do not hesitate to contact me directly if we can be of any further assistance with this, or any other matter. Sincerely, Terry Soave Outreach & Neighborhood Services Manager (734) 327-8327

Date Received: 2006-10-16
Type: compliment
Regarding: customer service

Patron Comment: The staff is very able and helpful and it makes the library experience an extra pleasant one. Keep up the fine work!

AADL Reply: Thank you for your recent comment card complimenting the staff at our Malletts Creek branch library. Everyone at the branch has worked very hard to provide excellent service to our patrons. We are all pleased that you are enjoying our facilities and collections. I have passed on your compliment to the entire Malletts Creek staff. Thank you for taking the time to let us know that we are doing a good job. We will do our best to continue doing so.

Date Received: 2006-10-16
Type: compliment
Regarding: compliment

Patron Comment: You have an excellent array of books from which to choose and the staff is always friendly and extremely helpful. In closing, I must say I do NOT support the City of A2 taking over the parking lot from the downtown library. That is for their patrons!!

AADL Reply: Responded by telephone. Josie

Date Received: 2006-10-16
Type: web site feedback
Regarding: website

Patron Comment: You have a great website! We are interested in doing something similar. What did you use to create your website?

AADL Reply: Thanks for contacting us. Our website is powered by the open-source content management system, drupal ( While we have done quite a bit of software development to make it work with our catalog and other databases, drupal offers blog-style publishing, comments, categories, and user management by default and has a vibrant user community behind it. Thanks for your interest, and please let me know if you have any further questions. Eli Neiburger AADL Tech Manager

Date Received: 2006-10-15
Type: my account problem
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: Although I returned Pink Panther and Inside Man yesterday, they are still appearing on my account. Can you assist me with this? Thank you in advance.

AADL Reply: I think this was just a matter of a lot of materials being returned at the same time and a delay in checking them in. We do have this happen often, especially on weekends when many materials are returned right before closing. We back-date the checkins on these items so that there are no fines but that happens the next day and can make you think we just didn't see them! I'm sorry to worry you about this. They are, indeed, checked in now and there are no fines. Thanks for asking. Diane Dahlem Circulation Manager