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Date Received: 2006-10-17
Type: my account problem
Regarding: login/password

Patron Comment: I'm having trouble saving movies I'd like to see to a list in My Account. I called and the woman I spoke to didn't seen very sure how to do it either. I've tried using the card catalog and book cart and they both empty when I leave the site. My question is, how can I make a list of books and movies I want to see and keep it on My Account somehow? Thank you

AADL Reply: Thanks for contacting us. First, be sure that you log in to your account. You can then view catalog card images and click 'save this card to your collection', which you can then view under My Account > Personal Card Catalog. The book cart function is not intended for this purpose and does indeed expire when you leave the site. Please try this and let me know if you have any trouble, and know that we are working on enhancements to this service that will make it work better for your intended purpose. Thanks for your patience, and please let us know if you have any further questions or trouble. Eli Neiburger AADL Tech Manager

Date Received: 2006-10-16
Type: web site feedback
Regarding: website

Patron Comment: A patron calling from out of the area about getting an obituary from a local newspaper suggested that we post information about our Document Delivery service on the website. He searched our website extensively before calling, and his call was primarily informational (fees, procedures) - he wasn't ready to make the request yet. I agree that having this kind of information on the website would be very useful, especially for non-local patrons.

AADL Reply: This suggestion was forwarded to the AADL website development committee for consideration.

Date Received: 2006-10-16
Type: programs and events
Regarding: programs & events

Patron Comment: I attended the Nutrition seminar at Malletts Creek and was very disappointed by the content. There was very little, if any, scientific basis to the Nutrition Conseling system described. In a community as research oriented as Ann Arbor, it is disappointing to have info like this presented under library sponsorship.

AADL Reply: This comment was submitted anonymously.

Date Received: 2006-10-16
Type: complaint
Regarding: exhibits/displays

Patron Comment: Its hard to know what you have on your mind(s) in the constant moving around of furniture and books you are presently engaged in. It's just TOO LINEAR. The table and chairs near garden window on 1st floor - gone, replaced by chairs waiting room style. The four chairs enclosed by four shelf units of browsing books - gone. I really think you should go back and rething this whole thing. We thought we were done with all the moving around when the last director took off for Florida.

AADL Reply: This comment was submitted anonymously.

Date Received: 2006-10-16
Type: complaint
Regarding: collections

Patron Comment: Not everyone has DVD players and you should not get rid of VHS tapes.

AADL Reply: This comment was submitted anonymously.

Date Received: 2006-10-16
Type: complaint
Regarding: facility issue

Patron Comment: Third Floor - thermostat - 75 degrees. Thermometer reads - 78 degrees. Most of us are dressed for winter with long sleeves, sweaters, etc. PLEASE turn down the heat 5-10 degrees!!! The workers also find it hot. It is 72 degrees in summer in here - can you reverse the two temps!

AADL Reply: This comment was submitted anonymously.

Date Received: 2006-10-16
Type: complaint
Regarding: exhibits/displays

Patron Comment: Bring the "Browsing Collection" fiction selection back.

AADL Reply: This comment was submitted anonymously.

Date Received: 2006-10-16
Type: complaint
Regarding: noise

Patron Comment: This library is a madhouse. Kids are screaming, running & playing an no one quiets the noise. I come to the library to study and for quiet and it is definitely unattainable here.

AADL Reply: Thank you for your recent comments regarding noise at the Pittsfield branch library. As you noted, our branch libraries in particular are designed to cater to the families living in the adjacent neighborhoods, and we are more tolerant of noise generally in our branches than, say, an academic or university library would be. The area surrounding Pittsfield branch is populated with a number of families with young children, and as a result we provide services, programs, and collections that meet their needs. Our Rules of Behavior, available at, address in Rule #12 sustained noise above the general noise level of the area. If you find your visit to the Pittsfield branch disrupted by sustained noise louder than the general noise level of the area, feel free to ask our staff to intervene for you. Additionally, schedules of our children's and family programs are available for pickup at any of our information desks as well as on our website at You may find this information useful in scheduling your visits to Pittsfield to avoid programs such as preschool storytimes, musicians, or other events. I am sorry to hear that you find the Pittsfield branch to be a disappointment, and I hope that you will continue to enjoy our other facilities. The Downtown library in particular has several floors that are quiet, with study rooms and carrels located on a separate floor from the children's area. Thank you for taking the time to contact us.

Date Received: 2006-10-16
Type: complaint
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: There is adult magazine at children's book area on the couch. My daughter is playing there and she look for the picture. She is asking me what's that picture. When I see it it's a magazine about sex. Can you put a notice remind adults put them back? Not lease adult magazine, especially not good for kids to watch. Thanks.

AADL Reply: Thank you for contacting us regarding finding a magazine from our general collection on the couch in the children's area at the Pittsfield branch. While we strive to maintain the appearance of the branch on an ongoing basis, occasionally the busyness of the branch does not allow us to pick up materials left behind by others as quickly as we should. I am sorry to hear that your family was disturbed by finding this magazine in the children's area, and we will strive to do better in putting materials back where they belong.

Date Received: 2006-10-16
Type: complaint
Regarding: facility issue

Patron Comment: The return boxes are set up so they are not convenient for any one - How about a box for books right at the curb (like a mail box)?

AADL Reply: Thank you for your suggestion. Placing a return box at the curb would present a problem since the sidewalk near the street is City property and cars stopping would create a traffic hazard. Library material may be returned to any Library location. At the Downtown library, there are two designated parking places on William St at Fifth Avenue to drop off library material. Pittsfield and Malletts Creek also offer convenient parking to return material. Tim Minick Manager, Facilities