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Date Received: 2006-12-19
Type: general suggestion
Regarding: programs & events

Patron Comment: More Guitar Hero tournaments!

AADL Reply: This comment was submitted anonymously.

Date Received: 2006-12-19
Type: complaint
Regarding: security

Patron Comment: Why doesn't the security gate at the door seem to detect unchecked items properly and how much did the AADL spend on security (gate as well as all costs, e.g., planting the devices in books, etc.) of its materials - including labor? Initially and each year?

AADL Reply: As far as we know, the security gates downtown work properly. Can you be more specific about the problem you perceive that we are having with the gates? No one here can remember what the Library paid for the gates.They have been in place over a decade. The cost of placing detection devices in materials is built into the salaries of several people and is not a figure that we have broken out in a way that is meaningful, nor one that I would be comfortable stating with any certainty. If you have further questions or concerns about material security, please don't hesitate to contact me at 327.4263. Josie Parker Director

Date Received: 2006-12-19
Type: general suggestion
Regarding: collections

Patron Comment: Dear Library Board, I have been a very long devote of your wonderful library. As I have aged and developed Macular degeneration I am a great fan of B.O.T. (books on tape) CASSETTES - as opposed to the C.Ds. It is easier to select and play TAPES - for those of us who have Mac. deg. or other eye problems. Please do not phase out BOOKS ON TAPE. Sincerely, Ann Edwards

AADL Reply: We are very sorry that you have trouble using the BOCD's and appreciate the ease of use provided by cassettes. We keep books on tape until they are worn out, but are not able to replace most titles. This is an availability problem and not a collection decision that we have made. If you have not contacted the Washtenaw County Library, I would encourage you to do so. They maintain a very good collection of books that are designed to be listened to by persons who are visually impaired. Their phone number is: 734.973.4350. Thank you for contacting us with your concern. Josie Parker Director

Date Received: 2006-12-19
Type: other
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: When will the library book sales resume?

AADL Reply: Bookshop Opens on Saturday, December 2 The Friends of the AADL have entered into an interim agreement with the Board of the Ann Arbor District Library that allows the sales of used books to resume in all library locations. Used books are already available for purchase in the lobby Downtown and will be available in the branch libraries by Monday afternoon, November 27. The bookshop in the Downtown Library opens with a Holiday Sale on Saturday, December 2 and Sunday, December 3. The shop will be open in December on Saturday, December 9, Sunday, December 10, Saturday, December 16 and Sunday, December 17. Hours are 10-4 on Saturdays and 1-4 on Sundays. The shop will reopen on Saturday, January 6, 2007. Please contact the Friends of the Ann Arbor District Library for more information on sales, pricing, and opportunities to volunteer by calling 734-302-7774 or by visiting their website

Date Received: 2006-12-19
Type: programs and events
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: I was interested in bringing a child that I mentor with me to the wired and inspired event on Wednesday, January 3rd. Do I need to sign up? What type of things should I bring with me?

AADL Reply: The Wired and Inspired program includes all materials and the use of tools, so there shouldn't be anything you need to bring. However, the program is intended for Grade 6 and up; if your mentee is not yet in middle school, we do not recommend that you bring him/her, as we have not designed the program for younger ages. I hope this answers your question. Thank you for contacting us, and we'll see you at the program!

Date Received: 2006-12-19
Type: other
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: To Whom It May Concern: I am having trouble understanding the instructions to access internet on my laptop at the library. It seems that I need to register my computer device. I tried to do this from a local coffee shop but it said my device was not located on the network. Can you please provide further instructions for me to proceed? Thank you, Jenny

AADL Reply: Thanks for contacting us. The easiest way to get your laptop on our wireless network is to visit an AADL location and simply open a web browser on your laptop. You'll be prompted to enter a library card number or guest access number, and 60 seconds later, you'll be all set. The wireless devices tab on your my account page is not required to get on the network, and is intended to allow people to manage multiple wireless devices or register devices without a web browser. Furthermore, staff at the service desks are trained to assist you if you have any trouble getting on the network. I hope I've cleared this up; thanks for your patience, and please let us know if you have any further questions or trouble. Eli Neiburger AADL Tech Manager

Date Received: 2006-12-18
Type: web site feedback
Regarding: Technical Enhancement

Patron Comment: Hi -- I subscribe to several AADL RSS feeds and therefore I get lots of duplicate items. For example, I rec'd "Whimisical Nutcrackers" four times -- once each from Books, Events, Kids, and Parents. I would like instead to subscribe to a single AADL RSS feed from which I would get every item -- from all of the blogs -- just once. Is that possible? Many thanks !!!!!

AADL Reply: Wow, this is an excellent request, and I'm amazed that it's never come up before! As it turns out, there isn't really a good way to do this right now, and there should be. A quick snoop around gives us some leads that may deliver this new feature fairly quickly and easily; but we need to investigate it a bit and test it before we do it on our production server. So, stay tuned for this enhancement; I'll send you a note when we get it working. Thanks again for your feedback, and please let me know if you have any other questions! Eli Neiburger AADL Tech manager

Date Received: 2006-12-18
Type: programs and events
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: This message is for Eli. Eli, Thanks for hosting another great Mario Kart Tournament this weekend. My sons had a great time. It was the second time one finished 4th. his prize for finishing 4th was a t-shirt, the same t-shirt we have 6 of already. Why isn't there a bit-better-than-nominal prize for the 4th place finisher of the Grand Championship? It seems rather skewed that the first place receives a prize worth $265; second place worth $150; third place worth $100; and fourth gets a t-shirt. $515 worth of prizes for everyone else and the 4th place finisher gets next to nothing? I think any 4th place finisher of the Grand Championship should receive something of higher value given the huge popularity of this Tournament and the challenge met to make it to the Grand Championship round.

AADL Reply: Anne, thanks for your feedback. I completely agree that 4th place should have a prize, and last year there was a prize for fourth place. However, this year, we changed the prize allocation at the player's request to have prizes for each of the 4 events at each monthly tournament instead of a single prize round each month. That resulted in $360 in prizes at each of the 5 season tournaments instead of the $150 per month we awarded in the previous season. While I am always working to get as large of a prize budget as possible, It's always a balancing game, and the doubling of the monthly prize pool had to come from somewhere, and I wasn't able to award a 4th place prize this year. You may know that the clan cup prize had to be decreased as well; last year I was able to give 4 ipod shuffles; this year each of the 6 winning clan members got only a trophy and a $10 gift card. I'm sorry that John got the short shrift of this arrangement, but rest assured that I'm always trying to get the best prize budget possible for the tournaments, and I will endeavor to distribute the resources I have as fairly as possible. I hope to have a good 4th place prize and clan prize restored next season. Thanks for your feedback, and I hope I've addressed your concerns. Eli Neiburger AADL Tech Manager

Date Received: 2006-12-17
Type: my account problem
Regarding: login/password

Patron Comment: My wife has her own library card and number. When I try to go into "My Account" all I get is my account. I need to know how I can get to her account so that I can check on books that are charged to her.

AADL Reply: Thanks for contacting us. To access another account, you first need to log out of your account. Just click 'logout' in the top right corner of any page. You can then create a new account for your wife and log in to that account. To switch back, simply log out again. Thanks for your patience, and please let us know if you have any further questions or trouble. Eli Neiburger AADL Tech Manager

Date Received: 2006-12-17
Type: web site feedback
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: It would be nice if there were a print-friendly way to print out the Checkout List.

AADL Reply: Thanks for contacting us. This is a good suggestion and we'll keep it in mind for future enhancements. In the meantime, if you use an RSS reader or are running Internet Explorer 7, you may find that the 'RSS' button under your checkouts will take you to a view of your checkouts that could be easier to print. Thanks again for your feedback, and please let us know if you have any further questions or trouble. Eli Neiburger AADL Tech Manager