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Date Received: 2006-12-28
Type: complaint
Regarding: computers

Patron Comment: Internet is terrible slow you NEED better access!!

AADL Reply: This comment was submitted anonymously.

Date Received: 2006-12-28
Type: complaint
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: Why are there no colored people here?

AADL Reply: This comment was submitted anonymously.

Date Received: 2006-12-28
Type: general suggestion
Regarding: computers

Patron Comment: Could we get CD drives with the computers please?

AADL Reply: This comment was submitted anonymously.

Date Received: 2006-12-28
Type: complaint
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: Stop allowing bum's to sit around and stink up the place.

AADL Reply: This comment was submitted anonymously.

Date Received: 2006-12-28
Type: complaint
Regarding: exhibits/displays

Patron Comment: Friends of Library shelf with books for sale is too much in your vending area. People can't look at FOL books becuase of food/sitting tables! Thank you!

AADL Reply: This comment was submitted anonymously.

Date Received: 2006-12-28
Type: general suggestion
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: How about giving us a little longer to return lengthy books - like, 400+ pages? It's hard to finish them on time.

AADL Reply: This comment was submitted anonynmously.

Date Received: 2006-12-28
Type: complaint
Regarding: collections

Patron Comment: STOP - covering up maps on inside front and back covers that are pertinent to the story. Example: The Assissins by Oliver North.

AADL Reply: This comment was submitted anonymously.

Date Received: 2006-12-27
Type: my account problem
Regarding: login/password

Patron Comment: I have many items checked out, but in the space that should list what is checked out, it says, "you currently have nothing checked out". I would greatly appreciate it if this problem was corrected. Thank you!!

AADL Reply: Thanks for contacting us. We have a new problem that you helped to bring to our attention, that affects users who have a very large number of checkouts. As one of our most enthusiastic borrowers, you are affected by this problem! However, we are hard at work on it, and we hope to have it resolved shortly. In the meantime, please continue to check with the renewal line, and don't worry; I will waive any fines that you have when this problem has been resolved. Thanks for your patience, and we will have the problem resolved as soon as possible. Eli Neiburger AADL Tech Manager

Date Received: 2006-12-27
Type: web site feedback
Regarding: website

Patron Comment: I would like to know who designed your website. Did you hire a professional web designer? Thank you.

AADL Reply: Thanks for contacting us. Our website was designed by an internal commitee of staff members, and the graphic design was done by Skidmore Studio of Royal Oak. Software Development was done by our in-house development staff. Thanks for your interest, and please let us know if you have any further questions I can answer. Eli Neiburger AADL Tech Manager

Date Received: 2006-12-26
Type: complaint
Regarding: facility issue

Patron Comment: This comment was submitted by a staff member on behalf of the patron: "A patron suggests that the West Branch have a 'No Smoking' sign by its front door. He has suggested this before and is very unhappy about the lingering smoke outside the branch door. He has suggested this before and would appreciate contact. The patron returned to provide this [Washtenaw County Regulation Eliminating Smoking in Public and Private Worksites and Public Places] notice. He is very concerned with the legal grounds for his complaint." The staff member did not identify him/her self.

AADL Reply: Thank you for your comment card. I think it would be a good idea to post a no smoking sign at the entrance as a reminder to those who smoke. However, the area directly outside of the front door is common area and administered by the management company. I will let them know of your concerns. Tim Minick Manager, Facilities