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Date Received: 2007-05-11
Type: general suggestion
Regarding: computer classes

Patron Comment: may I suggest a session of instruction in RESEARCH, the wonderful , complex tab we have .

AADL Reply: Thank you for your suggestion of offering a class on how to navigate the "Research" section of We are currently looking into our computer course offerings for the next session of classes and will take your suggestion into consideration. In the meantime, any of our desk staff would be happy to assist you in finding the information you're looking for. Thank you for using the AADL! We appreciate you letting us know how we may better serve you. Sincerely, Terry Soave Outreach & Neighborhood Services

Date Received: 2007-05-11
Type: login problem
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: Hi, I changed my username today on the AADL website, and I now get an error message when I try to log in. "Fatal error: Call to undefined method DB_Error::getone() in /usr/local/php/libphp-aadl/pathistlib.php on line 71" Thanks for any help with this. -Matt

AADL Reply: Thanks for contacting us. This was a systemwide problem that was quickly identified and fixed. Your account should be working properly. Thanks for your patience, and please let us know if you have any further questions or trouble. Eli Neiburger AADL Tech Manager

Date Received: 2007-05-10
Type: general suggestion
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: hey AA! We are trying to collect as many book inscriptions as we can from all around the world so we can put up a new one every day. Some of them are funny, some are sad, some are just unbelievably personal. We would love to see the ones you've found over the years. All you have to do is scan them and we'll put them up with a link to your site. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us anytime. We can't wait to see what you've got!

AADL Reply: Thanks for taking the time to let us know about your project. Best of luck to you.

Date Received: 2007-05-10
Type: web site feedback
Regarding: inquiry from other institution

Patron Comment: Dear Ann Arbor, As the Web Coordinator for Arapahoe Library District *located in the south suburbs of Denver, CO * we have been hitting your site regularly and are intrigued by your blog style website. We would love the opportunity to talk further with your staff about decisions to move to blog-style, pros and cons, etc. Can you recommend the most appropriate staff person we can speak with? Many thanks for your help; we like what you're doing!

AADL Reply: Hello, thanks for your interest! I'm Eli Neiburger, the technology manager here at AADL, and I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have, via email or phone, about our site and blog-style publishing. Please let me know how you'd like to proceed; you can send a list of questions, or we could find a time to talk on the phone. Thanks again for your compliments, and I look forward to talking to you. Eli Neiburger AADL Tech Manager

Date Received: 2007-05-10
Type: other
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: Hi there -- Still really love the website! Question though ... was checkin out my checkout HISTORY and it seems to have last quarter's items but nothing from this year ... and it goes blank after mid-November 2006 ... Realize I'm piggish with the library's wonderful resources, and so my list is long, very long (yet I understand not as long as some) but is there a complete history anywhere? Thanks --

AADL Reply: Thanks for contacting us. In looking at the data for your account, the earliest recorded checkout was December of 2005, and the most recent checkout was yesterday, so it looks like all the data (currently 1265 checkouts) is there. However, in testing your account, I did see that the date sort is not working correctly, putting things in an odd order, mixing up years and such. I suspect it's sorting the list alphabetically by date which would make for some strange results. We will look into the issue and figure out what's going on, but in the meantime, just know that your data is there and is safe; it's just a display issue. Thank you for your enthusiastic (and not remotely piggish) use of our services. I'll send you a note when we get this fixed. Eli Neiburger AADL Tech Manager

Date Received: 2007-05-10
Type: programs and events
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: I'm in fifth grade at King Elementary in Ann Arbor. My friend and I were wondering if you could help us with our Girl Scout Bronze Award service project. We are doing a food drive and Foodgatherers suggested that the libraries might be a good place to collect food donations. We would like to collect food the week of June 4th, which includes Hunger Awareness Day. We know that Rotary will be collecting food at the Main library and the Pittsfield and Mallets Creek branches that week. We were wondering if we could set up collection boxes at the Northeast and West branches. Thank you for your time.

AADL Reply: Thank you for contacting us about being a collection site for your Girl Scout Bronze Award food drive. You are correct that we are a collection point for the food drive initiative at our Downtown, Malletts Creek, and Pittsfield locations. West and Northeast are not participating locations due to the small size of those branches and the limited space we have available to collect and hold donated food items. While our new Northeast branch, which will open next summer, will likely be able to participate in the food drive next year due its larger space, this year we do not have the ability to be a food drive collection point at either West or Northeast. I am sorry that we are unable to help you. I wish you the best of luck in your project.

Date Received: 2007-05-09
Type: web site feedback
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: I appreciate the idea of having a check-out history, but it needs some improvement to be more useful. Is this something that is being worked on? For instance, many titles appear more than once; it would be nice if the titles were in some kind of order; it would be nice to be able to sort by other columns. Thanks.

AADL Reply: Thanks for contacting us. We do have your suggested enhancements already planned for a future revision. Watch for that feature over the coming months, and thanks again for your feedback! Eli Neiburger AADL Tech Manager

Date Received: 2007-05-09
Type: general suggestion
Regarding: collections

Patron Comment: I enjoy Large Print Non-Fiction and I have already read most of them at Malletts. Could you rotate more books of Large Print non-fiction from Main or other branch libraries? Thank you for what you can do. I am in my 90’s and use only Mallett – closest to my home.

AADL Reply: Thank you for contacting us regarding the large print collections at the Malletts Creek Branch. I appreciate your suggestion to rotate the large print nonfiction collections more. In the meantime, if there are specific titles you would like to pick up at Malletts Creek, please see one of our reference librarians on your next visit. They can place a hold on a title if it is checked out or available at one of our other locations. If we do not own the title, our librarians can provide you with a form to suggest a purchase, or we can interloan the title from another library. Thank you for taking the time to share your comments with us.

Date Received: 2007-05-09
Type: other
Regarding: policies

Patron Comment: As missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints we are required to sit next to each other (2 of us) as we use email. It has come to our attention that this is against library policy. Would there be any way that would allow us both to use side-by-side computers while still respecting this policy?

AADL Reply: Thank you for contacting us requesting an explanation of the library’s computer use procedures. Computer patrons may request stations side-by-side in the case of a caregiver-child or caregiver-patient situation, or when a disability necessitates use of a particular station. In your case, please know that we will allow two people to sit at one computer. If one of The Elders must monitor another Elders’ computer usage, this seems to be the best solution to meet your needs. I hope that this answers your question. Thank you for taking the time to contact us.

Date Received: 2007-05-09
Type: general suggestion
Regarding: collections

Patron Comment: Sort alphabetically the DVD by PG, PG-13 & R if possible. Thanks.

AADL Reply: Patron did not provide contact information.