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Date Received: 2008-02-07
Type: branch expansion comments
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: Is there a date set for the actual opening? 2008 is a bit vague. Sincerely, Bromley Neighborhood resident

AADL Reply: The Traverwood Branch will open in June, but we don't have an exact date yet. We will publicize the opening date as soon as it has been determined. We are excited about the upcoming opening of this new building, and look forward to seeing you and your neighbors at the library. Sincerely, Josie Director

Date Received: 2008-02-06
Type: programs and events
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: Hi, Recently, I was told that on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons there was tutoring for Spanish speaking youth. Is this program still happening? If so, what are the times. Thank-you very much for your time.

AADL Reply: Thank you for contacting us regarding the Library's partnership with PALMA (Proyecto Avance Latino Mentoring Association). While the library does not offer tutoring directly, we are offering our space at the Downtown library for PALMA to conduct their one-on-one tutoring sessions for Latino families (all ages). For information about participating in the PALMA program, please visit their website at:, or you may call(248) 875-2090. You may also stop by the Downtown Library on either a Tuesday or Thursday evening between 6-7:30pm and speak with a PALMA representative directly. Thanks again for your interest and thanks for using the AADL! Sincerely, Terry Soave Outreach & Neighborhood Services Manager

Date Received: 2008-02-05
Type: other
Regarding: branch building

Patron Comment: has a selection been made or has short list been developed for architect selection following last week's 9 interviews?

AADL Reply: The Library board is meeting this evening, Tuesday February 5th, to continue the discussion on architect selection. A short list has not been determined at this time. Josie Parker Director

Date Received: 2008-02-05
Type: complaint
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: Get a damn color printer.

AADL Reply: This comment was submitted anonymously.

Date Received: 2008-02-05
Type: complaint
Regarding: branch building

Patron Comment: The front doors of your library (West Branch) are too hard to pull. PLEASE! I'm 81 years old and can't open them.

AADL Reply: This comment was submitted anonymously.

Date Received: 2008-02-05
Type: general suggestion
Regarding: computers

Patron Comment: CD drivers either in the computers or available for check out would help users use library material that comes with CDs like ACT prep and others.

AADL Reply: Thank you for contacting the Ann Arbor District Library with your query about CD-ROM drives. There are two main reasons that we don't offer CD ROM drives at the library. The first is that due to some of Window's security settings, it is very difficult to keep users from loading their own software off of a CD drive. While this may seem innocuous enough, the concern is that some users could install software that harvests and transmits the personal data of other users, and it is an unacceptable risk for public computers. However, the primary reason is that there is very little patron demand for the service. We are very focused on delivering a secure, stable computing environment, but when you combine the lack of demand with the security risks, it does not currently make sense to add CD Drives on our public internet stations. I appreciate your feedback and hope you will contact AADL if you have other questions. Celeste Choate Associate Director of Services, Collections and Access

Date Received: 2008-02-05
Type: general suggestion
Regarding: computers

Patron Comment: The computer LCD screens will be burned with an image of the “idle” screen if left too long. Some already have shadows. Most likely they will have to be replaced in 1-2 years if still used in this way.

AADL Reply: Thanks for contacting us. We are aware of this problem; we have a screen saver that is supposed to be more varied to decrease this issue, and other plans to extend the lives of our screens, and your comment is helpful to us. Thanks again for your feedback, and please let us know if you have any other questions or suggestions. Eli Neiburger Associate Director, IT and Product Development Ann Arbor District Library

Date Received: 2008-02-05
Type: general suggestion
Regarding: programs & events

Patron Comment: In your Observer announcements of Library events, put names to the photos. What’s the use of even having the photos if we can’t tell who matches which event?

AADL Reply: This comment was submitted anonymously.

Date Received: 2008-02-05
Type: general suggestion
Regarding: branch building

Patron Comment: Leave the lovely winter grasses all winter, to sway in the breeze. Cut down in early spring, as all gardening books recommend.

AADL Reply: This comment was submitted anonymously.

Date Received: 2008-02-05
Type: complaint
Regarding: collections

Patron Comment: Bad placement of movies! If something must be low, how about kid movies?

AADL Reply: This comment was submitted anonymously.