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Date Received: 2008-02-26
Type: web site feedback
Regarding: catalog/searching

Patron Comment: Hello, I have recently moved to the Ann Arbor area and am now a patron of your district libraries. I was conducting a search within your catalog this morning and needed to search MeL for a title. Unfortunately, I had a difficult time figuring out how to do a MeL search within your catalog and was wondering if I over looked a link that would easily take me to the MeL site. At CADL, our catalog had MeL searching integrated into the search functionality. When searching for something within the catalog at CADL, there is always a "search MeL" icon that allows you to conduct the same search within MeL. This makes for a more seamless transition into the MeL catalog. I was wondering, do you have this functionality as well? Is it possible that I missed it? If you do not have this capability, then I suppose this would be a suggestion for the website. Thanks in advance!

AADL Reply: Welcome to Ann Arbor! Our catalog does have this feature, but we only offer the MeL link if your search returns no hits. On that page there is a link that says 'Search for this item at other libraries' that will transfer your search terms to the MeL catalog. Thanks again for your feedback, and please let me know if you have any other questions or suggestions. Eli Neiburger Associate Director, IT and Product Development Ann Arbor District Library

Date Received: 2008-02-25
Type: complaint
Regarding: website

Patron Comment: Could you please set a homepage for Firefox - every time it starts it asks if it should make the Firefox site "my home page". It has become a bit annoying. thanx ...

AADL Reply: Thanks for contacting us. This should have been fixed by now; thanks for your patience. I have passed this along to our systems administrator and he will ensure that this has been resolved. Thanks again for your patience, and thanks for using the library! Eli Neiburger Associate Director, IT and Product Development Ann Arbor District Library

Date Received: 2008-02-25
Type: other
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: can i listen to books at home online with my library number? Thank you,

AADL Reply: Thank you for using the online reference service at the Ann Arbor District Library! The following link to our website will allow you to download eaudio ( Browse Collections, click on the "Always Available Audio Books" and also the "New audio Book Release". Please let us know if you have any questions about this. Thanks, AADL Reference Staff

Date Received: 2008-02-24
Type: general suggestion
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: Getting to Know the Presidental Candidates: Dear Librarian, I believe the library can and should be a Valuable Resource for the Fall Election. The all three Presidential Candidates have at least one book which provides insight into their life, character and key issues. Suggestions: - Perhaps your library and website should consider a Special Display of the Candidates Books? - Do you have books about all of the candidates in your Library? For example, John McCain with Mark Salter - "Faith of My Father"; "Hard Call"; "Character is Destiny"; "Worth the Fighting For"; "Why Courage Matters" Barack Obama - "Dreams from My Father"; "Audacity of Hope" Hillary Clinton - "It takes a Village" Thanks for your considerations,

AADL Reply: Thank you for your thoughtful suggestion. I have forwarded it to the library staffer who is responsible for displays on the 2nd floor across from the Reference Desk. In February, she created a book and video display on presidents to celebrate Presidents Day, to highlight that part of our collection, and to increase awareness of the political process. I am sure she will be happy to hear that there is interest in this area. AADL promotes the development of literate and informed citizens, and this one way in which we can do so. Again, thank you for sharing your ideas with the Ann Arbor District Library. Best regards, Celeste Choate Associate Director of Services, Collections and Access

Date Received: 2008-02-23
Type: complaint
Regarding: computers

Patron Comment: Why are the majority of the clocks in the lower right hand corner on the computer screens so far off the real time? I find it very aggravating.

AADL Reply: Thanks for contacting us. We're working on setting up an automatic time sync to keep those clocks synced up to the real time. We've set the clocks manually in the past but the time doesn't seem to stick. We're sorry for this inconvenience, and thank you for your feedback. Eli Neiburger Associate Director, IT and Product Development

Date Received: 2008-02-23
Type: programs and events
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: We were very fortunate to have Mallett's Creek permit us to host a Guinea PIGnic last summer in June. Our group would like to host this again, working on the theme of construction, teaching children how they can construct a simple outside pen for their guinea pigs and other furry friends so the animals can have some outside time in the summer/safe play time at home in the winter. Also, we specialize in companion animals and can teach children how to make a fun catnip toy/dog rope toy for their other home pets. The event would also include some hands-on moments with, of course, our loveable little guinea pigs. We would like to hear what you think of this idea and the possiblity of our club continuing our goal of educating children about how to be a partner with your companion animal. Amy Olszewski 4H Cavy Crew 2543 Easy Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 734 846 2972 (cell) 734 677 4216 (home)

AADL Reply: Thank you for your question. I remember this program very well. The kids had a great time! Because AADL works very far in advance, we have already decided on the programs that will be offered this coming summer. However, we will keep your organization in mind for future programming. Thank you for thinking of us! Sincerely, Sherlonya Augustine Youth Services Manager

Date Received: 2008-02-22
Type: web site feedback
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: I wanted to let you know that in one of the comments shown on the "Browse Comments" section of the website, a patron's name and phone number have been printed; I wanted to bring this oversight to your attention and request that the library is more careful in the future.

AADL Reply: Thank you for bringing this to our attention. The patron information has been removed. Karen Wilson Administrative Assistant

Date Received: 2008-02-22
Type: web site feedback
Regarding: website

Patron Comment: You have a javascript error,-1,0,B/browse Click on saved marked records "Line 210 object expected", IE 6 if the JS code changed and it has a long cache value, then it would possibly explain it. Since I last logged in many months ago.

AADL Reply: Thanks for contacting us with this error; we'll look into the problem. I don't think it's updated javascript, but that is a helpful lead. Thanks for your patience, and please let us know if you have any other questions or trouble. Eli Neiburger Associate Director, IT and Product Development Ann Arbor District Library

Date Received: 2008-02-22
Type: login problem
Regarding: login/password

Patron Comment: I have registered a password and user name successfully. This I used to access Rosetta Stone-or tried to. It kept me going back to the registration page, although the password and user name were confirmed to my e-address.....

AADL Reply: Thanks for contacting us. We have tested your username to get through the AADL authentication to reach rosetta stone at and were successful. However, you then need to create a rosetta stone account in order to log in to rosetta stone; those accounts are not connected to accounts, and if you're having trouble logging into rosetta stone, you can contact rosetta stone through . Please note that Rosetta Stone has decided not to offer a renewal to their contract with AADL and the product will no longer be available after 4/1/2008. You may wish to try Mango Languages at , which is currently free and we are evaluating as a potential Rosetta Stone replacement. Thanks for your interest, and please let us know if you have any further questions or trouble. Eli Neiburger Associate Director, IT and Product Development Ann Arbor District Library

Date Received: 2008-02-21
Type: other
Regarding: Technical Enhancement

Patron Comment: In my household, more than one person uses the same computer. Also, more than one person has a library account. Is it possible to show on the website who is logged in to the website? i.e. "person A logged in" That would be a welcome addition. Thanks

AADL Reply: Thanks for contacting us. It does currently display the logged in username at the top of the myaccount page, right under the catalog button. Please let us know if there are other places on where you would like to see the logged-in username and we'll look into it. Thanks for your feedback, and thanks for using the library! Eli Neiburger Associate Director, IT and Product Development Ann Arbor District Library