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Date Received: 2008-03-25
Type: complaint
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: Are you aware that psychotherapy sessions are being held in the reading area of the Library? The wheelchair patient and her therapist talk loudly and disturb patrons for an hour. Could you let them use the back room so that readers will not be distracted and the therapist and patient can have privacy?

AADL Reply: This comment was submitted anonymously.

Date Received: 2008-03-25
Type: other
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: Stop all the creepy dudes from coming off the streets from using computers and stalking women who just want to read.

AADL Reply: This comment was submitted anonymously.

Date Received: 2008-03-25
Type: general suggestion
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: Patron would like a seating section near check out/circ for situations when lines form.

AADL Reply: This comment was submitted anonymously.

Date Received: 2008-03-25
Type: general suggestion
Regarding: noise

Patron Comment: Libraries are supposed to be places of quiet study and reading. Librarians should quell noisy patrons and should set an example themselves. The 1st floor is especially loud and the employees are leading the pack.

AADL Reply: This comment was submitted anonymously.

Date Received: 2008-03-25
Type: complaint
Regarding: customer service

Patron Comment: Limiting the number of check desk people-to increase self-check out stations-not wise nor efficient. Down the road when human assistance is needed people waiting in line will wait longer to address issue self check station are not equip to handle.

AADL Reply: This comment was submitted anonymously.

Date Received: 2008-03-25
Type: general suggestion
Regarding: storytimes

Patron Comment: Please! Please! Please! Bring back more programming for the children at West Branch. I am disabled, we bought our home in the area looking forward to family times at storytime, magic shows, family camp-in--Pittsfield branch hard to reach by bus. I am legally blind and don’t drive, I have five kids-we miss the fun.

AADL Reply: Thank you for your suggestion. Due to space limitations of the West Branch combined with the crowds that our programs draw, we are no longer able to regularly schedule programs at the West Branch that are of the high quality that our patrons expect while allowing other branch library users to fully-use their branch library. If you find the Pittsfield location hard to reach by bus, you might consider the variety of programming that is offered Downtown, right across the street from the Blake Transit Center. Also, Malletts Creek is served directly both by AATA route number 5 and AATA route number 7. I hope this helps. Sincerely, Sherlonya Augustine Youth Services Manager

Date Received: 2008-03-25
Type: other
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: Hello, I have two boxes of used books that I would like to donate to the library. The books are in good condition and include fiction and textbooks. Would you be interested in taking these books? If so, can I drop them off at any library? If you are not interested, would you know a place that could benefit from these books? Thank you for your time.

AADL Reply: Donations may be brought to the back of the Downtown Library during library business hours. Enter the Staff Parking lot off William Street, ring intercom buzzer at door and tell receptionist that you have books to donate. Donation bins are directly inside the door. The Friends of the Ann Arbor District Library will then process your donation. For more information visit and follow the "How to Donate" link. Thank you. Karen Wilson Administrative Assistant

Date Received: 2008-03-25
Type: complaint
Regarding: noise

Patron Comment: The two study rooms on the 3rd floor of the downtown branch should have posted signs of “NO CELL PHONE USE” and "QUIET PLEASE.' These rooms are study rooms, not TELEPHONE BOOTHS. Individuals are trying to use one of the rooms and they have to tolerate the second room’s conversation for hours. Cell phone usage should be taken out by the elevator. The rooms are there for those that want to get away from such distractions, that’s why they make use of the rooms, not to set and have to tolerate continual discourtesy individuals. And that applies to individuals that want to set and have hours of conversation versus studying. Maybe I’m misinterpreting the use of the traditional library otherwise it should be set up like Briarwood Mall. If one wanted to set and listen to telephone conversation, and such frivolous banter, we might as well stay home and work next to our blaring television sets. Each room should have two signs of “NO CELL PHONE USE” and two separate signs of “QUIET PLEASE.” Thank you, Luther Reffitt

AADL Reply: Thank you for contacting the Ann Arbor District Library. I am sorry to hear that your visit was disturbed by noise. The Library's Rules of Behavior are available at every desk and online at Rule #12 specifically deals with sustained conversation or other sounds louder than the general noise level of the area. In the future, please let any of our staff know that conversations louder than the general noise level of the area are disrupting your visit. We do our best, but cannot be everywhere at once or address situations we are not aware of. We rely upon patrons like you to let us know when our Rules are being violated. Thank you for taking the time to contact us. Best regards, Celeste Choate Associate Director of Services, Collections & Access

Date Received: 2008-03-24
Type: other
Regarding: email notification

Patron Comment: Can you send an email to me the day something is due? right now I get them 3 days before and 3 days after something is due. It would be nice to be reminded on the due date. Thanks Jason

AADL Reply: Hey, Jason, how are you? This is a good suggestion; ideally we'd like to allow users to set when they get their notices according to their own preferences. Unfortunately, our current system requires everyone to get those date due notices on the same day before their items are due, and we've found that the 3 day notice give most people a chance to return their stuff on time. However, we've got user-set notice intervals on our desired features list, and we'll keep looking for a way to offer you that kind of flexibility. Thanks for your feedback, and see you around! Eli Neiburger Associate Director, IT and Product Development Ann Arbor District Library

Date Received: 2008-03-24
Type: other
Regarding: room rental

Patron Comment: I am wondering if it is possible to reserve a room for about 20 people for this Wed, Mar. 26th from 1-4pm. Please let me know.

AADL Reply: Room rentals at the Ann Arbor District Library require two weeks advance notice, unfortunately last-minute requests for rentals are not possible. For more information on room rentals please visit: Karen Wilson Administrative Assistant