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Date Received: 2021-03-16
Type: general suggestion
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: When can we expect the AADL to respond to the governor's current covid restrictions and reopen in a limited fashion? Why are books continuing to be 'quarantined' when this practice has been scientifically shown to be unnecessary?

AADL Reply: Ms. B, The AADL at its Board meetings has made its reopening plans public for some months. The AADL plans to reopen for browsing and public computing when the indicates that the risk of COVID spread in Washtenaw County is at the LOW level. It is currently at the D Level. Our decisions are not based in any way on the quarantining of books or other media, but on the spread of the virus human to human. Thank you for your query and we wish you well during this difficult and sad time. Sincerely, Josie Parker Director

Date Received: 2021-03-10
Type: other
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: Well, we're coming up on an important anniversary. In a city that hosts (and boasts!) a world-class public research university, it's hard to believe that library patrons have gone one full year without internet access (public computing)! 1989, anyone? Here's to timely restoration of this essential service.

AADL Reply: It has been a long and very hard year for everyone, and we join you in hoping that we are all able to be in the public library spaces soon. The AADL has stated in its Board meetings and on its website that we are following the guidance of public health officials and are monitoring the data on When the risk of spread reaches the LOW level, we will begin opening for browsing and public computing. Thanks for your support, Josie Parker Director

Date Received: 2021-03-10
Type: general suggestion
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: I have submitted the following question multiple times, and it has repeatedly been ignored. I cannot fathom why. Could you please address it? Is there some way that the person who suggests a title could be given priority when requests become available? If not, the suggester could end up far back in the queue. Thank you.

AADL Reply: Mr. D, I am so sorry that your question has been ignored. The complication is that often more than one person suggests a title. We take the suggestions, usually purchase the title, and make it available for request. This provides equal access to all our of users to all of our material. We do thank you for suggesting titles, and I hope that you can appreciate our position. Thank you for using and supporting the public library. Sincerely, Josie Parker Director

Date Received: 2021-02-27
Type: other
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: I'd like to make an in memoriam donation. I see that there is a form for that on the website. I wondered if there was any recognition made (a card or in the newletter)? Thanks

AADL Reply: Hello R, We do acknowledge donations with a letter and list donors in our Annual Report at the end of our fiscal year in June. If a gift is a memorial, we notify relatives if provided names and addresses and mark the gift as a memorial in the Annual Report. Thank you for your interest in a donation to the Library. We appreciate it. Sincerely, Josie Parker Director

Date Received: 2021-02-26
Type: general suggestion
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: It is long overdue for the libraries to be open to the public. Tax dollars spent should give taxpayers the right to browse and enjoy fully the library experience. Activities for children should be available in person. Children should have access to their libraries for their continued literacy growth. Open the libraries in the am as they have always been in the past.

AADL Reply: Ms. S, Thank you for your comment. The AADL has publicly stated that we are adhering to the guidelines issued by the State of MI and the Washtenaw County Health Department in determining our service levels. We use data from the which indicates the risk level for spread of COVID by County. While many counties around us have moved from E, which is the highest risk, to D, sadly, Washtenaw County remains at E. AADL has stated that when the risk level for the our county is at LOW on the MISTARTMap, we will open the buildings for browsing and computer use. The AADL is providing many levels of service short of in person browsing and in building programming right now. If there is something that you need please feel free to email me directly at, or call the Library at 327.4200. A person will answer the phone and will assist you. We also are hoping for normal days, but we can wait until it is safe for the staff and the public while in the public library. Sincerely, Josie Parker

Date Received: 2021-02-23
Type: complaint
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: Why does it take so long to get a book? Seems like if the book requested is on the shelf of the library I want to pick it up at and there are no other requests for that book it should be available to pick up the same day or the next day. Why not let people come in and get a book? Just have a rule that people have a certain amount of time to get a book and they need to leave when they get it. It would make things a lot simpler for everyone. Many other libraries are doing this.

AADL Reply: Mr. B, Thank you for your comment. The AADL has publicly stated that we are adhering to the guidelines issued by the State of MI and the Washtenaw County Health Department in determining our service levels. We use data from the which indicates the risk level for spread of COVID by County. While many counties around us have moved from E (which is the highest risk) to D, sadly, Washtenaw County remains at E. AADL has stated that when the risk level for the our county is at LOW on the MISTARTMap, we will open the buildings for browsing and computer use. The AADL is providing many levels of service short of in person browsing and in building programming right now. If there is something that you need please feel free to email me directly at, or call the Library at 327.4200. A person will answer the phone and will assist you. We have a limited number of people working at any one time and we are limited to working in one building only to reduce the risk of COVID spread. This does create situations where a book on the shelf may take longer getting into the Vestibule for pickup. We are sorry to not be able to get it same day or next day as was usual when everything was normal. We also are hoping for normal days, but we can wait until it is safe for the staff and the public while in the public library. Sincerely, Josie Parker

Date Received: 2021-02-20
Type: complaint
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: Hello. This is not a complaint about the library (I love the AADL!) but about the patrons who seem to need a reminder that there is a pandemic going on. Today I went to the Traverwood Branch for a scheduled lobby pickup and when I approached the building, there were already FIVE patrons in the small pick up space. I waited at the red dot outside until people came out but another patron walked around me and also entered the pick-up area. When she exited, I asked her if she had not seen me waiting and she made some rude comment to me that I couldn't quite make out. I hope that there are ways you can REMIND patrons about protocol for picking up books and do more to enforce policies. Perhaps signs on the outside and another reminder on the website and/or part of the instructions for lobby pickup on people's sign in page would help? I was really angry about the woman who went around me to enter the lobby and about the total disregard for remaining safe in that small space. Thank you.

AADL Reply: Thank you very much for your compliment to the AADL. We all appreciate hearing that from you. I am so sorry that some other library patron was rude to you when exiting a vestibule. I am glad to say that your experience is not a common one, and our vestibule attendants let us know if there is a crowding problem. We did make all of the spaces bigger during our closure in November in an effort to help people keep distance while retrieving materials. I have asked that we continue to make an effort to remind people in the vestibules to collect their material and not to linger. I really don't know that we can do anything about a person who is determined to be pushy and rude. I really am sorry that happened to you at the Library. Take good care. Josie

Date Received: 2021-02-06
Type: complaint
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: With all the events being offered by AADL, and all are "off site", why can't the libraries open? Its not brain surgery to keep the numbers at or below 10 or 20 people at a time. With everything off limits, reading is especially important as a pass time now. Meijers, Krogers, Wallmart, an others have NEVER closed, and are serving the public daily! Yet the libraries choose to continue to be closed! Not making sense to me!

AADL Reply: Thank you, J for letting us know that the Library is important to you. We have published our plan at and spoken about it at our public Board meetings. Video and transcripts of those meetings can be found at We are following the guidance of the MI Dept of Health and the Washtenaw County Health Dept. They are using the The risk level for COVID spread in Washtenaw County remains at Level E which is the highest level for spread. The AADL will open for browsing and public computing when the risk level is at LOW. We appreciate your frustration, and hope to be open for browsing soon. In the meantime, please consider placing requests on items you wish to read, and pick them up from one of our vestibules. If you need more information on how to do this, please call us at 327.4200 and someone will be happy to help you. Take good care. Josie Parker Director

Date Received: 2021-02-03
Type: other
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: Hi !! S K here . AAPL Card # ************* . I wondered if you received from me an ILL request for a book ( lawman to outlaw ) I tried , I believe successfully to send to one a couple days ago . But having not done it before . I wasn't sure I shouldn't check up . If you have , let me know . If not I will try again or call . On a different note , I wish to compliment AAPL management on their hiring & training . Your staff are always helpful , courteous and a pleasure to deal with , kudos & THANK YOU ! S

AADL Reply: Hello Steve, and thank you for your kind words about the AADL and the staff. They are simply great. I totally agree. Someone will be in contact with you about your book request soon if they haven't already talked to you. Take good care. Josie

Date Received: 2021-01-22
Type: general suggestion
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: Why are the libraries not open to the public to come in and choose their own books? If a store like Barnes and noble can be open certainly you can provide the same safety to your workers ie: plexiglass, masks, etc.

AADL Reply: Ms. B, I am so sorry that the Library is not open, and we, too, hope that it will be soon. We have made our plan public at our Board meetings and on the website at We are following the guidance of the Washtenaw County Health Department. When the WCHD determines that the risk level for COVID transmission is low in our County, the AADL will open for browsing and public computer use using all precautions such as distancing and wearing masks. Thank you for letting us know that you miss the Library, and thank you for understanding as we all navigate through this sad and difficult time. Sincerely, Josie Parker Director