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Date Received: 2021-05-04
Type: other
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: Hello AADL Staff. Are there any plans to open in person in any capacity in the coming weeks? Does the library have a plan for opening that can be shared with patrons? Thank you.

AADL Reply: Hi there, thanks for asking. You can find details about our reopening plans at the bottom of our COVID services page: In short, the AADL board approved a plan in December to base reopening on the Risk Phase Level in Washtenaw County. We'll reopen for browsing when the Risk Phase reaches Low in the county; right now we're still at Phase E, although things have improved significantly in the past 2 weeks and we should hopefully be in Phase D soon. While we can't predict how public health metrics will change, we're hopeful that we'll be able to reopen for browsing this summer. When we're getting close we'll make an announcement some weeks in advance of the opening. Let us know if you have any other questions, and thanks for your patience; we're sorry for the service interruption. Let us know if you have any other questions, and thanks for using your library! -eli Eli Neiburger (he/him) Deputy Director Ann Arbor District Library

Date Received: 2021-05-04
Type: complaint
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: I have a grown most weary with the liberal, virtue signaling pretenses that this library continues to do, even though it is paid for by all our tax dollars. Anyone who knows how to research and respects the truth can easily figure out that the group Black Lives Matter has absolutely nothing to do with helping Black people. It is a communist funded group that has an agenda to overthrow the government of our fine country. To see this being supported and presented in the local library Is horrifying. I am sure that if someone connected with the library actually cared about the truth of what is going on they could easily figure out that Black Lives Matter it’s not the group that they want to present in their regular programming to people who trust the library. Indeed, when the results of supporting this communist group actually begin to show up in peoples daily lives they will be shocked at how their lovely comfortable middle-class lives no longer sustain them. It is so sad to have to watch this happen to either well-meaning or determinately ignorant people. Please cancel my library card and account as of May 4.

AADL Reply: Dear L, Your library card account has been closed. We appreciate your candor, and if at anytime in the future you wish to reactivate your card, we will be glad to do so. Take good care. Josie

Date Received: 2021-05-02
Type: complaint
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: I missed Arab American Heritage month in the newsletter's content. Being in the district that has one of the largest Arab-american populations and literally where Arab American Heritage month was started, I was surprised Ann Arbor district library did not want to celebrate this facet of their community like I appreciated the Asian American heritage programming and African American heritage likewise. I am not making a complaint about the lack of content but lack of diverse cultural engagement for the second year in a row since this has been in place. It seems like this part of the community is not welcomed or appreciated, when pigeonholed like it has been. If this is what value the library holds in curation, I do not know how the library can expect to serve its entire community. National poetry month is obviously valued higher to AADL than the Arab-Americans in the community. Get in contact with Rep. Dingell about the national declaration of Arab-American Heritage month, if unfamiliar.

AADL Reply: You are right, and we erred in not recognizing Arab American Heritage Month. We did so in 2019. In April 2020 we were in the throes of managing a COVID closure, and we focused elsewhere in 2021, and shouldn't have done so. We will recognize Arab American heritage throughout the year with various programs, but April 2022 will appropriately be focused on Arab American Heritage. Thank you for commenting on our lapse, and thank you for caring that we do better. Sincerely, Josie Parker Director

Date Received: 2021-04-30
Type: general suggestion
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: When is the library (Westgate) opening for real, and why isn't it open already? Who makes the decision? Many other libraries around the state are open. There is no danger that's worse than dozens of other places, especially if you close the children's section for a while longer.

AADL Reply: We appreciate your desire to have Westgate open. The Board of the AADL has outlined the conditions for reopening at their December Board meeting and that plan can be found at on the main page and at We are also hoping that it is sooner rather than later. Sincerely, Josie Parker

Date Received: 2021-04-18
Type: complaint
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: I am very disappointed with how slowly the “requested books” process is going. I’m sure there are a number of contributing factors to this, but one I can verify by looking at the history of the requested books. One book on my list has 3 overdue books on the listing, and they are at least 2-3 weeks overdue. Perhaps if you reinstated fines for overdue books that would help the problem. Or maybe you could just remind people that they are being selfish by hanging onto these books for so long when other people are waiting.

AADL Reply: Dear J, Thank you so much for using the Library, and letting us know of your concerns regarding requested items. The AADL's position on the return of library materials throughout the pandemic is unchanged. We can't know what might be keeping someone from getting materials back by a due date, and we have not pressured people to do so. Eliminating fines during this period is another way of relieving that pressure and, hopefully, keeping people from being discouraged from using the library. I appreciate that our position does cause those waiting to perhaps need to wait a bit longer, but our experience is that most people return library materials and that holds are eventually fulfilled. Thank you for taking the time to express your view on our choices. Sincerely, Josie Parker Director

Date Received: 2021-04-14
Type: compliment
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: I want to thank and compliment the AADL for adding the Wall Street Journal to its list of available newspapers. Its a real service for those of us interested in news of the economy. Of course, in my wildest dreams I would like to have the Financial Times as well. However, I do understand the constraints of budgets on your services.

AADL Reply: We're glad to know you appreciate this new resource! Thanks for using your library! -Sara AADL

Date Received: 2021-04-14
Type: compliment
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: Happy National Library Appreciation Day!! The Lynn family wants to let you all know how much everyone is appreciated at the AADL!! Thank you for all that you do! Have a great day! Jennifer Lynn

AADL Reply: Dear Jennifer and all of the Lynn family, Thank you so, so much for this note to the staff at AADL. I shared it with them this morning. We love what we do, and your family along with all others in the community are why. Have a lovely day, Josie

Date Received: 2021-04-01
Type: other
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: Hello, Do you have any idea when the library will open? Or when story time will resume? What about an outdoor story time? Thanks!

AADL Reply: Hi there, thanks for asking. We're sorry for the continued service interruptions. We plan to reopen for browsing after Washtenaw County reaches the Low risk phase. We're still in Phase E and getting worse, so we're unable to estimate when reopening might be. We do hope to resume indoor programming in the fall, and we are working to plan some events outside this summer if conditions allow. Thank you for your patience, and we look forward to getting the library more open as soon as we safely can. -eli

Date Received: 2021-03-21
Type: general suggestion
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: Hi! While I’m appreciative all that the AA libraries have done during this time, I have witnessed pretty much all other areas and states libraries have been completely open for browsing safely with masks with no issues. We have been to many other large cities where adults, families and children with masks can drop in anytime (no appointment) to browse and checkout books as long as the building is not at capacity. It seems past due that this should be available given the scientific research as well as the amazing staff and resources we have to make this happen. I appreciate all you do but it is truly WELL beyond time that this should be implemented.

AADL Reply: Thank you for your email. While other libraries in different areas are making decisions for their community, the AADL has all along stated what our decisions regarding re-opening will be based on. Our discussions have been public at our monthly AADL Board meetings and are described on our website at We are following the guidance of the Washtenaw County Health Department and the When the risk of spread of COVID is at LOW on the, we will be opening for browsing and public computing. Currently, the risk is at Level D. We appreciate your desire to be able to come into the buildings, and if things continue in a downward trend, it could be soon. Josie Parker

Date Received: 2021-03-17
Type: other
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: Two questions: (1) Does AADL anticipate reconnecting with interlibrary loan service soon? (2) On the Requested Items list, there's a designation " 1 0f 1" or "4 of 5," and the like. Does this mean "Your request is fourth in line of five requests" or does it mean "Your request is the fourth for five books available on the shelf"? The difference in response time could be considerable, yes?

AADL Reply: Hi there, thanks for your interest! We did resume MeLCat interlibrary loan in January. Traditional Interlibrary Loan via Worldcat will resume sometime after we've reopened for browsing. Many of the partners on that network have not yet resumed sending out items so it's even more time-consuming than usual. Thanks for your patience on that. As for your question about your queue position, that is your place in line and the length of the line, and does not reflect number of copies in circulation. So 4 of 5 means that 5 people are waiting for that title and there are 3 others in line ahead of you. You can see the number of copies on the item page, but it does not affect your queue position. We've found that there is very little data that can allow an accurate prediction of wait time; it's too dependent on how long patrons keep the item, and how long patrons wait to pick it up when it's their turn. I hope that's helpful information. Let us know if you have any other questions, and thank you for your patience as we get back towards normal library operations. -eli Eli Neiburger (he/him) Deputy Director Ann Arbor District Library