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Date Received: 2021-08-19
Type: general suggestion
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: Ann Arbor is not just a university town and it's short sighted for AADL to try to replicate a university library that is already available to the community. People who actually live here and support Ann Arbor tax base deserve more. In general, why isn't AADL doing more to serve the growing diverse needs of the Ann Arbor community? And we don't mean just putting up signs that say you support current popular issues. Why can't AADL (the wealthiest library district in the area) learn from other surrounding library districts how to reasonably provide access to services like HOOPLA for AADL patrons? Why isn't AADL a member of The Library Network where creative collaborative strategies could help enhance AADL services? Time to get out of the ivory tower.

AADL Reply: Thank you for sharing your point of view. We continue to consider the various streaming services available to us and appreciate hearing from you about what you would consider a positive addition to our services. Sincerely, Josie

Date Received: 2021-08-15
Type: programs and events
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: Hi. I am interested in watching AADL TV for the monarch program. How do I watch the program? I have never watched AADL TV before. Thank you in advance for the help.

AADL Reply: Thank you for your email. You will be able to watch this program here after 6PM on Tuesday, August 17: At that time, the video will appear on that page. Please let me know if you run into trouble with this! I hope this helps. Best, Sherlonya Turner Associate Director, Public Experience and Desk Service

Date Received: 2021-08-13
Type: other
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: i thought you had new generators at mallets creek and Pittsfield

AADL Reply: Hi there, thanks for asking! Unfortunately, the generator installs at Malletts and Pittsfield have not yet been completed. DTE was actually supposed to come to Pittsfield yesterday to hopefully complete the install, but that is postponed until after they get this crisis handled. The new generator at Traverwood is operational and that's why Traverwood is open; it's been running on generator since Thursday morning. We're very sorry for the interruption of service, and we're very disappointed that DTE wasn't able to work with us to get the other new generators operational by now, but we hope that this will be the last time that Pittsfield or Malletts Creek have to close because of a power outage. Thank you for your patience, and thanks for using your library! -eli Eli Neiburger (he/him) Deputy Director Ann Arbor District Library

Date Received: 2021-08-05
Type: general suggestion
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: This is more of a specific suggestion. If it is within the discretion of the library I suggest everyone in the library be masked. Make it MANDATORY. When in the Westgate branch this afternoon about 2pm I was taken aback that several, if not many, people were without masks despite the signage on the door that masks are highly recommended. I can appreciate that some of those folks were patrons of the coffee shop. How about segregating those folks to a specified area? I think noncompliance is an affront to all of us that follow guidelines regarding the pandemic. Noncompliance, I suspect, also increases the possibility that the library may need to close once again.

AADL Reply: Thank you very much, and we share your concerns about the resurgence of COVID. We are following the guidance of the CDC, and State and local health officials, with our mask requirements. The staff are all wearing masks indoors, and we have observed that most visitors all across the system are also masking. The Sweetwaters' space is subject to the AADL's mask signage, too. If the CDC recommendation becomes a requirement, then we will change our signage and act accordingly. We really do not want to close again, and will do all that we can to encourage compliance. I can tell you that the Westgate is the busiest location outside of Downtown, and that fewer people are visiting Pittsfield. I only say that to give you an option for a less busy library experience. I do appreciate your support, and am so glad that you are back with us in the Library. All best, Josie Director

Date Received: 2021-08-05
Type: general suggestion
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: Hi there! I saw your updated signage today, looking noticeably more encouraging of mask-wearing. Thanks for that. Are you considering requiring masks inside the library? I have been keeping my (unable to be vaccinated) kids from coming in to browse because we are trying to avoid any indoor spaces with unmasked people. As case counts rise, I fear another library closure. But as long as we still have contactless pickup we'll survive. Thanks for everything. <3

AADL Reply: Thank you for your email. We are following the current guidance of the CDC, and state and local health officials, with our mask requirements. AADL staff are all wearing masks indoors, and we have observed many visitors all across the system are also masking. If the CDC recommendation becomes a requirement, then we will change our signage and act accordingly. Like you, we hope that another closure does not become necessary, and do not want to close again. Thank you for your support and thank you for using your library. Best, Sherlonya Turner Associate Director, Public Experience and Desk Service

Date Received: 2021-08-03
Type: complaint
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: I am utterly appalled by the new book organizing system. The classification of books is entirely arbitrary, authors splashed across multiple genres. I don't know how to find my favourite authors. Consider mysteries. Who decides which is classic, which is historical? what are cozy mysteries? Agatha Christie is listed as general mysteries and classic mysteries. Why not cozy? Michael Connelley writes mysteries. He has a couple of lead characters that appear either singly in books, or at times together. Those books are categorized as either mystery, general, or mystery, legal thriller. Who would have known? Why is Pride and Prejudice not in romance? Something like Virginia Woolf Orlando ? fantasy fiction, historical, humor? I am being forced to do my browsing at the main library, and I live just waling distance away from my local branch. I cannot find anything at my local branch. Please do not convert the only sane library branch to the new system.

AADL Reply: Hello, I'm sorry for the frustration you're experiencing, especially after the long closure! The introduction of Categories does take some getting used to. All the branches are now using Categories, and though there is not a short-term timeline for Downtown to move to Categories, that will eventually happen as well. We do know that it isn't an easy change from a long-standing system like Dewey or alphabetical organization of fiction and mystery sections. The Category system is much friendlier to browsing and allows for easier targeted browsing - when someone doesn't know exactly what they want but has an idea of a genre or subject they might like. We've seen increased circulation statistics at each branch where we've introduced it. As you note, it can be especially frustrating for those who expect to find an author in one category when they turned out to be in another - or they are divided between multiple categories. However, a user who knows an author or a title they are looking for can always turn to the catalog and find where to look, whereas this system gives a user with less specific needs a lot more entry points. I'm sorry for the inconvenience and disruption this has caused you and hope that over time it will become less onerous. Staff are always happy to assist with searches or placing holds as well. Thank you for feedback and thank you for using your library, Sara Wedell Collections Manager | Ann Arbor District Library

Date Received: 2021-07-12
Type: complaint
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: I'm so disappointed that the library has opted to make masks optional. Children under 12 years of age are still not eligible for vaccinations. Thus, masks are their only protection against COVID. It's disheartening to see that the library is not supporting families or children's wellbeing.

AADL Reply: Thank you for writing, and I regret that you are disappointed in the AADL. The AADL understands the concern regarding children and masks. We feel that we are supporting families and children by having all events and Summer Game activities, including all of the codes, posted outside. There is no reason for any child or family to come inside to participate in summer activities at AADL. If parents are not ready for their children to browse for material, requesting for items to be placed in lockers is a permanent service. If children do come to the library, we have rearranged so that there is more space in areas that tend to invite children to congregate, and we will encourage distancing. We will continue to make children and their safety a priority at the AADL, especially during this sad and difficult time. Sincerely, Josie Parker Director

Date Received: 2021-07-10
Type: complaint
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: Was it really necessary to shut down to get ready to open up? Seems like you had a whole year to do that. Your response to the pandemic was average at best. The community deserves better

AADL Reply: Thank you for letting us know how you feel about the AADL's efforts during the pandemic. I regret that you are disappointed. The short answer to your question is, yes, we did need to close to get the system ready for a reopen. All of the buildings were staffed throughout the pandemic. We spread workspaces all through the buildings including public areas to provide distancing. That had to be taken down and put back. The vestibules became built out rooms in order to provide the safe, self-service pickup of materials that we did provide, and all of that infrastructure had to come down. In addition, we did use the time to make some much needed repairs and renovations in all of the buildings. We gave ourselves as little time as we felt was prudent to mitigate the length of the current closure. We look forward to seeing you back in the Library. Sincerely, Josie Parker Director

Date Received: 2021-07-06
Type: complaint
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: Since you closed my branch early, it would be nice if I could transfer the selected branch elsewhere. But you don't give an option for that, and you also prevent me from making a second request.

AADL Reply: Hi there, we're very sorry for the service interruption. We had hoped for this work to be done weeks ago but we had to wait for DTE. Because the power is out, we're not able to transfer or process any materials at traverwood until the end of the week. Your items will be on the hold shelf at Traverwood ready for check out when we reopen Monday July 12, and we'll hold them through Sunday July 18. With our closure to reconfigure for browsing service on Friday, tomorrow is the last day for pickups appointments, and we couldn't get this item to you in time for tomorrow. We're sorry for this gap in service. We do look forward to welcoming you back next week! Thanks for your patience, and thanks for using your library. -eli

Date Received: 2021-07-02
Type: programs and events
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: Hello- I was wondering if there are any plans for Storytime and/or Baby Time to be in-person again, rather than virtual. Thanks so much

AADL Reply: Thank you for your question. Currently we are planning to have some outdoor storytimes throughout the summer. As plans come together, we will be posting about them on our website, newsletter and through social media. We are planning to resume a more regular schedule of indoor storytimes and baby playgroup events at the branches in the fall. We are looking forward to resuming all of these events! Best, Sherlonya Turner Associate Director, Public Experience and Desk Service