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Date Received: 2021-10-06
Type: programs and events
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: Hello, I have a 3-year-old nephew who is on the autism spectrum and I'd love to try out the sensory storytime with him. Could you direct me where I can find out more information regarding times, dates, and locations of these storytimes? Thank you!

AADL Reply: Thank you for your question. We have not yet resumed indoor storytime events and do not currently have time, dates, and locations. Thank you for your interest in this event; we will keep it in mind as we resume regular indoor events. Best, Sherlonya Turner Associate Director, Public Experience and Desk Service

Date Received: 2021-09-26
Type: general suggestion
Regarding: holds

Patron Comment: Why do we once again have to check out books that we have placed on hold? I thought that the Covid procedures of just grabbing the book you have placed on hold was great! It saved me a few minutes of time and made it feel like the library was a place that trusted its customers! Were people stealing books?

AADL Reply: Hi there, thanks for asking about this! We're sorry, but we're not able to offer grab and go outside of vestibule service, which ended in July. It's not so much stealing books as the system losing track of many items for various reasons; but the main issue is the labor involved in checking out all the materials in advance. We may find a technical way to offer you grab and go for your checkouts at some point, but that's not coming soon. Feel free to book a locker appointment if you'd like your items checked out to you; locker appointments go from 6 PM until 2 PM the next day. We apologize for the inconvenience; we know this was one of the nice things about vestibule service. Thanks again for your feedback, and thanks for your patience! -eli

Date Received: 2021-09-25
Type: programs and events
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: Hello -- Do you have an estimated month for resuming the monthly Sewing Lab event? Thank you.

AADL Reply: Thank you for your question. At this time, we do not have an estimated date for resuming sewing lab (or other regular, indoor programming). As soon as we do, however, we will be sure to announce it on our website, and also our newsletter. Thank you for your interest in in-person events. We look forward to bringing them back. Best, Sherlonya Turner Associate Director, Public Experience and Desk Service

Date Received: 2021-09-22
Type: compliment
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: A HUGE thank you to all Library staff involved in presenting Nikole Hannah-Jones. I was knocked out by her remarks - delivered with such poise and such force - and I reminded myself that I have chosen to live in a city where the library plays a critical role in the ways and means of being American in 2021. May your commitment to a better community and world never wane. I sing your praises wherever I go - and it is nights like tonight that sustain my loyalty and admiration.

AADL Reply: We are so very glad that you attended the Nicole Hannah-Jones event, and found it so compelling and meaningful. Thank you for recognizing the critical role public libraries play in maintaining a democracy and for taking the time to say so. Thank you very much. Josie

Date Received: 2021-09-22
Type: general suggestion
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: It seems that the library is now committed to an 8 hour day. While I miss the old hours, I understand that this may be a financial necessity. But having every library day start at noon isn't. Please consider having at least one day, perhaps a weekend day, where the library opens in the morning. One day where the library is open 9-5 would give patrons who aren't available 12-8 a chance to use the library as well.

AADL Reply: Thank you very much for commenting and using the AADL. We are coping with a staffing shortage like so many others, and we do appreciate that mornings are desired times to use the library. We hope to add hours in October and they will be morning hours. We appreciate your understanding and your patience. Josie

Date Received: 2021-09-14
Type: other
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: Hi Can you tell me when full morning library hours will resume? I am almost always in town in the morning and have to come back a long drive (from Whitmore Lake) just to pick up a book, Pleeeaaase go back to former hours soon!

AADL Reply: Hi there, thanks for your interest. We are working on adding morning hours; stay tuned for an announcment later this month. However, are you aware of our pickup lockers? You can request a locker pickup when your items are ready, and they will be placed in an outdoor pickup locker for you to pick up anywhere between 6 PM and 2 PM the next day. Lockers are available at all locations except for Downtown. When you have an item ready for pickup at a location with lockers, look for the green bar at the top of your my account page to reserve one for the next day. Does that help? Stay tuned for earlier openings, and let us know if you have any other questions about this, and thanks for using your library! -eli

Date Received: 2021-09-02
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: collections

Patron Comment: More puzzles, please! 500 & 1000 pieces.

AADL Reply: This comment was submitted anonymously.

Date Received: 2021-09-02
Type: general suggestion
Regarding: collections

Patron Comment: It's fun to be browsing books in person again! One idea I had was to have a sticker on the first book of a series, I was looking for a new fantasy book to read, but kept picking up the 3rd book, or whatever. Anyway that could be helpful and fun. But mos of all thank you for the work you do.

AADL Reply: This comment was submitted anonymously.

Date Received: 2021-09-01
Type: complaint
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: I notice the silly mask theater and virtue signalling is back at your location. Who made you folks experts in epidemiology? And risk management? I suspect it's merely yet another example of the revolting hyper-liberal medical politics agenda that has zero basis in science. Ho hum, I say, to your bureaucratic nonsense. As a public institution paid for by my tax dollars you have no authority to dictate what I will or will not wear on my face. May I remind you that people like myself successfully stripped the Governor of her so-called emergency powers and we're now going after the Michigan Health Department to clip their wings. Legally. As in, according to the law. Which none of you folks seem to respect. Oh, and your "Black Lives Matter" silliness is also wearing impossibly thin. Yes, black lives matter, go figure. And black squirrels matter, too. Gee whiz. Your righteous zeal really would be hilarious if it didn't reek of socialist authoritarianism. Get real and mind your own business.

AADL Reply: Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings with us. We have, and will continue to follow the recommendations of the CDC regarding mitigating the spread of COVID. Right now, that means that all visitors to the AADL are asked to wear a mask. Sincerely, Josie Parker

Date Received: 2021-08-19
Type: general suggestion
Regarding: parking

Patron Comment: I was thinking the Library system should consider installing EV charging stations in the parking lot or nearby. I cannot think of a better way to pass an hour or two while my vehicle is charging. Thanks.

AADL Reply: Thank you. We understand the need, and are always open to suggestions for making being at the Library more convenient and helpful. Sincerely, Josie